Action Analysis: Empire Strikes Back’s Asteroid Chase

12 467
IGN18.1 млн
Опубликовано 12 августа 2020, 15:30
Welcome to Star Wars Week, where we're celebrating all things from that galaxy far, far away. From retrospectives on old favorites to explainers on timely topics to Face-Offs between beloved characters and beyond, Star Wars Week will feature articles, videos, slideshows and more on the beloved franchise. The asteroid chase in Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back is more than just another action scene. The sequence sets the stakes for nothing less than the entire Rebellion, with Han Solo, Princess Leia, Chewie and Threepio becoming more than just cool characters fighting with the Rebellion. This scene, through its action and its character interplay, transposes the stakes for the entire fight against the Empire onto the personal stakes of the crew of the Millennium Falcon. After this scene, they ARE the Rebellion.
