Rival Peak: Postmortem of a multi studio collaboration / Christopher Hamilton (Genvid Technologies)

DevGAMM26.8 тыс
Опубликовано 22 сентября 2021, 10:00
Rival Peak was a Massive Interactive Live Event (MILE) that was a collaboration between Genvid Technologies, Facebook, Pipework Studios and DJ2 Entertainment. Christopher Hamilton, Director of Developer Relations at Genvid Technologies, talks about the lessons learned from the three week long event that saw 200 million engagements and 100 million minutes viewed and what it means for game developers.
#DevGAMM #gamedev #event

Presentation – dropbox.com/s/ytv43bq9ajrhxb5/...

0:00 – Intro
2:20 – Massive Interactive Live Events (MILEs)
3:21 – What is Rival Peak
10:27 – Demo
19:15 – Narrative and production
22:18 – Postmortem
26:20 – Key Takeaways

Supported by Belka Games. The company is among Top 20 publishers by revenues in EMEA according to App Annie and keeps growing and developing.
Join us – belka-games.com/careers

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