Sword Expert Reacts To The Original Star Wars Trilogy | Lightsaber Fight Scenes

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IGN18.7 млн
Опубликовано 1 октября 2021, 11:00
We got Matt Easton, a Historical European Martial Artist, Antique Arms Dealer, and owner of the fencing club Schola Gladiatoria, to react to the original Star Wars Trilogy. Telling us his sword-fighting expert opinion on just how realistic Episode IV - A New Hope, Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back, and Episode VI - Return of the Jedi is when it comes to lightsaber (or sword) combat

From Obi-Wan Kenobi's odd twirls whilst facing Darth Vader to Luke literally being disarmed by his father and more, Matt breaks down these iconic Star Wars battles!

Want to watch more of Matt's own videos? Make sure to check out his Scholagladiatoria YouTube channel: youtube.com/channel/UCt14YOvYh...

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