Planets Star Wars Should Explore (That Aren't Tatooine)

47 824
IGN18.2 млн
Опубликовано 21 февраля 2022, 15:00
For a franchise set in a galaxy far, far away - a place where every scruffy-looking nerf herder has a starship of their own - Star Wars is weirdly fixated on a handful of planets. In fact, we'd argue Star Wars is too obsessed with Tatooine. It's the only Star Wars planet to appear in all three movie trilogies, and it's been a fixture of both The Mandalorian and The Book of Boba Fett.

Not that we don't enjoy visiting this harsh, sun-baked world, but there are so many other fascinating planets that have yet to really get their due in the movies and shows. Let's take a look at the Star Wars locales that deserve more time in the spotlight.

From Corellia to Alderaan to Yavin IV, Ord Mantell, some scary Sith planets, and many more, these are the worlds we'd love Star Wars to visit next instead of Tatooine!

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