How to self-publish with a small team in a specific region? / Krystian Strauss (AdTiming)

DevGAMM26.7 тыс
Опубликовано 28 июня 2022, 12:00
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The way of self-publishing is full of surprises, plus so complex. When developing a mobile game, there are many different aspects to consider, such as graphics, music, the core gameplay, user experience, monetization strategy, and the list goes on. Trying to build a truly successful game is a tall order, especially when it comes to earning money off the game to build a team and continue developing new titles. The easiest way for most seems to find a suitable publisher, but you will still need to continue work on this title according to publishers requirements. Is it then better to self-publishing? Is it possible to do it having a smaller team? Which things you should outsource? China is the biggest gaming market in the world so it's naturally very attractive, but it is also very specific one. Knowing which type of game or which part of work can be outsourced, can help you better asses if you should go self-publishing in some specific regions like China. And Krystian Strauss, Head of Overseas Business Development at AdTiming, shares his experience with these questions.
#DevGAMM #gamedev #publishing

Slides –

0:00 – Intro
2:51 – Self-publishing
12:25 – Publishing worldwide vs. specific region
16:22 – Examples: China
23:44 – Where to start self-publishing
27:28 – Which games a best for self-publishing?
28:28 – Summary
29:59 – Q&A session

Supported by Belka Games. The company is among Top 20 publishers by revenues in EMEA according to App Annie and keeps growing and developing.
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