Pokemon Dev Reveals 'Ambitious' Samurai Game - IGN Daily Fix

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IGN18.2 млн
Опубликовано 9 мая 2023, 23:30
In today's Daily Fix:

Game Freak, the studio best-known for Pokémon, is partnering with Private Division in what appears to be its first major foray into the AAA action-adventure space. Nintendo has put a stop to rumours about its new hardware, whether it's the long-rumoured Switch Pro or otherwise, by declaring that a Switch successor won't be released until April 2024 at the earliest. Metroid Prime: Remastered has sold one million copies since it launched in February while fellow Nintendo Switch titles Splatoon 3 and Pokémon Scarlet and Violet have also hit major sales milestones. All that and more on today's Daily Fix!

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