How Neuroscience revolutionizes User Research / Philipp Zent (Brainamics GmbH)

DevGAMM26.7 тыс
Опубликовано 12 июня 2023, 14:00
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User research is an often overlooked but absolutely crucial part of developing a successful game. Although there has been a strong increase of popularity of user research in games, the methodologies that are used to gain player insights are highly questionable from a neuropsychological perspective. The core issues with traditional user research methodologies are that they only measure conscious data, although 90% of decision-making and emotions are subconscious, and that it fully relies on self-reported and thereby subjective data that is collected post-exposure. To fully understand the deep and often overlooked reservoir of subconscious human motivations and emotions that influence human behavior, an objective second-by-second depiction of the true emotional responses to stimuli are necessary. This can only be achieved by measuring the emotions directly where they happen, namely in the brain. How that can work in practice is demonstrated in this talk.

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