6 Reasons That Butt-Naked “Like A Dragon” Reveal Trailer Ruled - Beyond Clips

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IGN18.2 млн
14 дней – 96 8000:52
Venom 3’s plothole character
Опубликовано 22 июня 2023, 16:40
Of the many teasers, trailers, gameplay reveals and other ways video games fought for our attention these last few weeks, one stood out: Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth’s reveal, a two minute clip of the newest protagonist, Ichiban Kasuga, waking up fully nude on a presumably Hawaiian beach. Where are his clothes? We don’t know. Why is he on the beach? That’s anyone’s guess! What is the rest of this game actually about? It’s a mystery! But that’s exactly how a game trailer should be, something exciting enough to get your attention, but not revealing enough that it spoils the whole experience. And what’s more revealing than a muscular naked man recreating an iconic Austin Powers gag where his doodad is constantly obscured by objects carefully framed in the foreground? Really, one of the best naked-guy-on-beach video game trailers ever made, easily the best one since Death Stranding.

#IGN #Gaming #LikeADragon