FF7 Rebirth - How To Beat Fort Condor on Hard Mode

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Опубликовано 7 марта 2024, 14:00
After you beat the four Fort Condor missions that make up Junon’s protorelic quest in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, you’ll be given access to one more mission - a hard mode for each board. Appropriately, it’s not easy, and more than anything it’s a puzzle that will rely on some trial and error to find the right approach. But that’s what we’re here for, to do all of the trial and error for you! Here’s our guide on how to beat Hard Mode in Fort Condor.

This Chapter 4 sidequest is a good diversion, but Hard Mode is no joke! This guide brushes over the basics before diving into specific tips for each challenge and how to overcome them.

00:00 - Intro
00:54 - General Strategy
03:16 - Hard Challenge #1
04:02 - Hard Challenge #2
05:25 - Hard Challenge #3
07:08 - Hard Challenge #4

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