3 Features Rockstar Needs to Bring Back In GTA 6 | GTFM

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IGN18.2 млн
Опубликовано 4 июня 2024, 13:00
Rockstar Games have something special in GTA 6, but there are features other Grand Theft Auto games had that gamers would love to see make a return in #GTA6. There were a few missing ingredients the GTA community noticed weren’t included in GTA 5, that we hope the #RockstarGames devs sprinkle into GTA 6. Bring back the 6 Star Wanted Level.We understand why Rockstar Games made it only 5 Stars in GTA 5: The game’s called Grand Theft Auto 5! So by that logic, you should bring back the 6th star the franchise has been known for in GTA 6. Two: Bodybuilding Physique Mechanics: In San Andreas, playing as CJ, I had the option to eat whatever we wanted, possibly getting wider or hitting the gym to get a bigger physique. That needs to make a comeback in GTA 6, especially with all the varying body types the GTA 6 trailer featured. And Three: Dual-Wielding of weapons.

Guest Panelists: 
J.D. Witherspoon - twitter.com/jdwitherspoon ...
Alex “Goldenboy” Mendez - twitter.com/GoldenboyFTW 

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