Metaphor: ReFantazio - Official Archetype Job System Overview Showcase

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The Biggest Game Releases of June 2024
Опубликовано 8 июня 2024, 17:23
Get a deep dive into the Archetype job system of Metaphor: ReFantazio in this latest overview showcase for the upcoming RPG. Learn about the types and characteristics of archetypes, along with related battle systems. The showcase details information about Archetype Lineage and puts a spotlight on initial Archetype like seeker, mage, thief, brawler, warrior, knight, healer, commander, gunner, merchant, and faker, as well as Archetype evolution. We also get to see combat, battle, party configuration, dungeon progression, and more. Metaphor: ReFantazio will be available on PC, Xbox Series X/S, PS4 (PlayStation 4), and PS5 (PlayStation 5) on October 11, 2024.