Street Fighter 6 - Official M. Bison Gameplay Trailer

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Опубликовано 12 июня 2024, 9:53
Here's the Street Fighter 6 M. Bison gameplay trailer, spotlighting the legendary villain's abilities in the popular fighting game. The SF6 M. Bison release date is June 26, 2024, when the character gallops into the roster with his Psycho Power, knee presses, and a host of powerful combos.

M. Bison is the first character in the Street Fighter 6 Year 2 Character Pass, and players with the Ultimate Pass will automatically get access to him when he arrives. The upcoming SF6 Year 2 characters also include Terry in Autumn/Fall 2024, Mai in Winter 2025, and Elena in Spring 2025.

Street Fighter 6 is available to play now on PC, PS5 (PlayStation 5), Xbox Series X/S, and PS4 (PlayStation 4).

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