UIPainter: Tile-Based Rendering in One Draw Call - Wessel Mast, Tools Programmer, Guerrilla

DevGAMM26.8 тыс
Опубликовано 29 августа 2024, 14:00
Every game editor needs a user interface. It is how we allow developers to create content for the game in a visual way. A good UI renderer has clear-cut constraints, like drawing nicely anti-aliased primitives, yet programmers have vastly different approaches to rendering game editor UI.
In this session, Wessel Mast, Tools Programmer at Guerrilla, will tell you about how Guerrilla’s editor ‘Decima’ renders UI: how it uses a tile-based renderer, commonly used in light culling, SSAO, depth of field and more, for drawing complex UI in an efficient manner and how it manages to draw thousands of primitives like rectangles, lines and curves in one draw call using signed distance fields.

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