Respec(t) your player: bring engagement back to mainstream gaming - Stoyan Stoyanov (Jyamma Games)

DevGAMM26.8 тыс
Опубликовано 12 сентября 2024, 14:00
In this talk speaker will go through the high level of the last few decades of mainstream gaming, highlighting worrying contemporary trends & what comes next for the sector. This talk will focus on concrete examples and approaches that Stoyan have learned over my time as a hardcore player and dev - spanning from mobile and VR all the way to Cyberpunk 2077 and now a new take on the souls like genre with Enotria. These can be applied to any title seeking a broader audience - but aiming to engage as much with play as it does with story and visuals. The elusive sweet spot of mainstream that he believe will be crucial to revitalise the space.


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