Why AI Isn't The New Crypto In Gaming - Gordon Midwood, CEO / Co-Founder, Anything World

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36 дней – 1 6451:26:26
DevGAMM Awards 2024 Ceremony
Опубликовано 13 ноября 2024, 16:39
Putting it mildly, independent games developers are an instinctively anti-crypto and NFT band and now, as a seemingly natural progression, AI is on the receiving end of their ire. But they’re not like for like, so why? We know game devs aren’t just waiting in the wings to bash all nascent technologies.
There is a corner of AI where the games tribe will find their Eden. Where creativity is enhanced and copyright is respected. What are these tools, what challenges can they help overcome and how will they positively impact and shape the industry in the near future?

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