LONG Baby Song Mix | The Ants go Marching One by One | Little Baby Bum Nursery Rhymes

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Little Baby Bum41.5 млн
Опубликовано 19 марта 2023, 8:00
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⭐ Lyrics⭐
The ants go marching one by one Dada!
The ants go marching two by two Dada!
The ants go marching three by three
Taking crumbs of tasty treats
And they all go marching
Out in a line at pic-nic time
Munch! Munch! Munch Munch! Munch!

The ants go marching four by four (Dada! Dada!)
The ants go marching five by five (Dada! Dada!)
The ants go marching six by six
It’s raining now
They’re moving quick
And they all go marching
Out in a line at pic-nic time
Run! Run! Run! Run! Run!

The ants go marching seven by seven (Dada! Dada!)
The ants go marching eight by eight (Dada! Dada!)
The ants go marching nine by nine
Under the flower
Safe and dry
A little ant’s picnic
Let’s count again
Look! Now there’s ten!
Munch! Munch! Munch! Munch! Munch!

#baby #LittleBabyBum #babysong

Little Baby Bum friends:
►Lellobee City Farm! youtube.com/channel/UCqbLFYZfA...
© El Bebe Productions Limited - part of LittleBabyBum


00:00 Ants go Marching
01:49 12345 Once I Caught a Fish Alive
03:40 Animal Sounds Eating Song
05:44 Wheels On The Train
07:44 Peek-a-boo
09:04 Planes, trains & automobiles
11:07 Max and Mia's Milk
13:11 Row your boat
15:14 No Monsters
17:38 Baby Max's First Bath
19:49 What's in the bag?
21:49 Getting dressed song
23:20 Yes Yes Vegetables
25:19 Bath Song
27:18 Wheels on the bus
29:17 Giggle Song
31:01 Shape song
33:17 Fire Engine
35:15 Hush Little Baby
37:30 Search and Find
39:34 10 Little Buses
41:36 Dressing Up
43:35 Shadow puppets
45:34 Tummy time
47:27 First Animal Book
49:27 Hush Little Baby
51:26 Bus Wash
53:28 Choo Choo Train
55:27 The Dinosaur
57:29 Colour Learning
59:29 Ducks on the Bus
1:01:31 1, 2, What Shall We Do?
1:03:31 10 Sleepy Pandas
1:05:34 Happy Place
1:07:37 5 Little Kittens
1:09:37 No Monsters
1:11:39 Rain Go Away
1:13:46 Johnny Johnny
1:15:46 5 Little Monkeys
1:17:49 Twinkles ABC
1:19:51 Twinkle Sensorial
1:21:55 This Little Piggy
1:23:51 Animal Sounds Song
1:25:55 Five Little Ducks
1:27:58 Swimming Son
1:29:58 Driving in My Car
1:31:57 Ride My Bike
1:33:53 Accidents Happen
1:35:52 Bath Song
1:37:50 Telling Time
1:39:58 Wheels on the Bus
1:42:01 Dance Like Daddy
1:43:59 Tidy Up Bus Song
1:45:50 Calming Down Song
1:48:18 10 Little Dinosaurs
1:50:13 Getting Ready
1:52:12 Soccer Song
1:54:35 I Love My Mummy
1:56:37 Sports Day
1:58:23 Pat A Cake
2:00:02 Color Bus Song
2:02:11 10 Little Buses
2:03:51 5 Little Speckled Frogs
2:05:50 Vehicle Sounds
2:07:49 Driving In My Ca
2:09:54 Bath Time Song
2:11:58 Alphabet and Animals
2:15:24 10 Little Fishes
2:17:11 The Sun In The Sky
2:19:27 The House That Jack Built
2:22:33 Little Boats
2:24:43 Rain Go Away
2:27:02 Warm Milk
2:28:55 Do The Baby Dance
2:30:48 Say Thank You
2:32:46 Going To The Desert
2:34:51 I'm A Bird
2:36:45 Munch Munch
2:38:54 Little Bee
2:40:50 Number 10
2:42:37 Ready Or Not
2:44:30 Trains Song 1-10
2:46:31 Hush Little Baby
2:49:11 Using My Spoon
2:51:26 Days Of The Week
2:53:21 Getting Dressed
2:55:07 Animal Rescue
2:57:08 10 Little Numbers
2:58:56 Down By The Bay
3:00:58 Fire Truck Song
3:03:19 Fun At The Fair
3:05:20 Hickory Dickory Dock
3:06:54 Hide And Seek
3:09:00 Let's Go Shopping
3:11:07 Itsy Bitsy
3:13:05 Easter Egg Hunt
3:14:57 Happy and You Know It
3:16:57 Hello Song
3:18:53 10 Little Sea Horses
3:20:48 Choo Choo Train
3:23:17 Please Thank You Sorry
3:25:14 Tidy Up Song
3:27:19 Fairy Lullaby
3:29:16 Miss Polly Had A Dolly
3:31:14 Playing Animals
3:33:36 Row Your Boat
3:35:59 Balloon Race
3:38:01 Eyes And Ears
3:40:17 Count To 20
3:42:27 Time For Sleep
3:44:35 Yummy Vegetables
3:46:27 Christmas Finger Family
3:48:41 3 Little Kittens and Puppies
3:50:58 10 Little Dinosaurs
3:52:46 Bingo
3:55:32 The Vowels Song
3:57:29 The Medicine Song
3:59:20 Baby Shark
4:01:19 The Monster Dance
4:03:07 Rock-A-Bye Baby V2
4:05:29 Shapes Song V4
4:07:21 Peekaboo Song V3
4:09:18 Peekaboo, Baby!
4:11:45 Babies On The Bus
4:14:19 Chu Chu Train