Oliver's First Visit to the Dentist and Other Health Stories

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114 дней – 10 402 58633:06
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292 дня – 15 232 8682:26
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Опубликовано 8 августа 2024, 11:00
Join Oliver on his first visit to the dentist and learn about other health stories in this informative video. See how he overcomes his fears and learns the importance of oral health.

00:00 Oliver's First Visit to the Dentist
04:31 Diana and Roma Learn Good Habits and Healthy Eating
10:22 Diana and Mom visit the dentist
13:15 Roma and his Friends learn about the dangers of sweets
19:36 Diana and Roma show Oliver Why brushing teeth is essential
24:08 Wheels On The Ambulance Kids Stories with Oliver and Mom

Kids Diana Show - youtube.com/@KidsDianaShow/vid...


