Страничка Надежды58.9 тыс
Опубликовано 6 ноября 2019, 21:16
В это видие я покажу какая температура у меня дома зимой, порасуждаю как отопление происходит в английских домах и почему каждый год замерзают люди в домах.
"In the 2017 to 2018 winter period, there were an estimated 50,100 excess winter deaths..." ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulati...
"17,000 people in the UK died last winter due to cold housing. On Fuel Poverty Awareness Day, E3G [1] and National Energy Action (NEA) [2] reveal there were over 17,000 deaths due to cold housing conditions last winter and almost twice as many people died compared to the previous winter"
"There has been an average of 32,000 excess winter deaths in the UK every year over the last five years, the research revealed."
Как жила Англия 1950-70 года // Жизнь простых англичан СУБТИТРЫ!!! youtube.com/watch?v=HSfWfqZ1Pq...
Обогрев дома - Англия youtube.com/watch?v=UnsCUtFBjl...
Я в ВК : vk.com/n.butkovskaya86
Я в Инстаграм: instagram.com/nadia.life.uk
"In the 2017 to 2018 winter period, there were an estimated 50,100 excess winter deaths..." ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulati...
"17,000 people in the UK died last winter due to cold housing. On Fuel Poverty Awareness Day, E3G [1] and National Energy Action (NEA) [2] reveal there were over 17,000 deaths due to cold housing conditions last winter and almost twice as many people died compared to the previous winter"
"There has been an average of 32,000 excess winter deaths in the UK every year over the last five years, the research revealed."
Как жила Англия 1950-70 года // Жизнь простых англичан СУБТИТРЫ!!! youtube.com/watch?v=HSfWfqZ1Pq...
Обогрев дома - Англия youtube.com/watch?v=UnsCUtFBjl...
Я в ВК : vk.com/n.butkovskaya86
Я в Инстаграм: instagram.com/nadia.life.uk
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