INSEL Sunset 4K UHD DRONE FILM. Island Kroatien, Europe Relax-Meditation Music. Видео 4К.

Опубликовано 12 декабря 2020, 13:19
INSEL Sunset 4K UHD DRONE FILM Kroatien, Europe Relax-Meditation Music- Видео 4К. Закат на острове в Хорватии.
Beautiful video in very high resolution 4k, beautiful views of the island in the Adriatic Sea Croatia.
RAB island in Croatia at sunset in the most beautiful colors of the setting sun. The drone will show us the beautiful places of the island in the RAB area. Unforgettable beaches and the sea of ​​the Adriatic and Mediterranean Sea in the rays of the setting sun.

This video was created for educational, entertainment and informative purposes and as a demo for 4K / 8K TV sets.
The DRONE FILM was created for enjoyment and relaxation, and music accompanies it.

To watch this video in real HDR, you should use a 4K / 8K HDR television set. If you have a HDR TV, you'll find your TV automatically switches to an HDR mode when playing HDR content. If not, switch the TV to HDR manually. Also, the latest smartphones can play HDR videos.
HDR stands for high dynamic range. This technology improves video image quality by expanding contrast ratio and color range. The result is a more realistic and natural image with richer colors, brighter whites, deeper blacks, and plenty of detail for dark, shadowy scene.

Видео с Дрона в разрешении 4К покажет вам красивый Закат солнца на острове в Хорватии РАБ. Видео сделано в высоком разрешении и предназначено для просмотро на телевизорах в 4к или 8к. Видео можно просматривать на современных телефонах высокого разрешения в 4к.