How to Make a Mammoth (and save the world)
Could bringing back Mammoths actually save the world??
175 344
Engineering Earth: Official Trailer
If humans want to survive long-term -- millions of years into the future and beyond -- we will have to grapple with existential threats to civilization and life itself.
1 260 078
IMMORTAL SUNS: How Dark Matter Could Make Stars Live Forever
Some of the trippiest theories I've ever heard. At the heart of the Milky Way, a cluster of stars has baffled scientists, appearing as if they are forever young.
561 924
The Oldest Galaxy Ever Discovered #shorts
The James Webb Space Telescope has captured a glimpse of a galaxy that is over 13.5 billion years old, lurking over 33 billion light-years away, making it the oldest and farthest galaxy ever
111 927
LIFE BEYOND: Visions of Alien Life. Full Documentary Remastered (4K)
4K download for uncompressed viewing experience: Are we alone? What might alien species look like? And what could we learn from them?
4 900 855
Could Humans Survive the Dinosaur-Killing Asteroid? Featuring @LEMMiNO
Guest narrated by the fantastic @LEMMiNO! Sponsored by Ground News: head to to see through misleading media narratives and find common ground.
2 438 812
The Asteroid Strikes Back - Teaser Trailer
What if the asteroid that killed the dinosaurs struck again? Would humanity survive? Or would we go the way of the dinosaurs? Come explore this wild hypothetical with me in late January.
495 109
Own a piece of the universe -- literally. New merch from melodysheep. My new merch shop is now live! Take 15% off with the code GrandOpening (valid until Dec 1st). Tons of new designs, check it out!
100 241
I hid a secret message inside my video
I have hidden a secret message inside my video THE HUMAN FUTURE ( The last time I tried this, it was solved within hours... this one won't be so easy.
The Human Future: A Case For Optimism
Soundtrack: Patreon: Change is coming.
6 131 144
Space Habitats are Sick
If Earth ever gets too crowded or uninhabitable, don't worry, we can just build some giant tubes in space. Easy peasy A clip from The Human Future, coming later this summer.
3 375 300
Reviving mankind from extinction
If mankind went extinct, could we be revived? It’s not out of the question.
2 105 710
Water Worlds: They're really out there
Full video: Far beyond Earth, a new type of alien water planet could be speckling our galaxy by the billions, like cosmic dew drops.
1 384 268
WATER WORLDS: Hideouts for Alien Life?
Far beyond Earth, a new type of alien water planet could be speckling our galaxy by the billions, like cosmic dew drops.
1 474 793
The Human Future: Official Trailer
Support this upcoming series on Patreon: Change is coming. Humanity is entering a radical new era, unprecedented in both Earth and Human history.
1 093 481
Has A.I. Discovered Alien Life?
New signals from deep space! Astronomers just announced the discovery of 8 potentially alien radio signals, using machine learning to comb through old data sets.
2 554 861
Lord of the Rings: This Insane Planet Puts Saturn's Rings to Shame
This massive planet will melt your brain 🤯. 434 light years from earth, the newborn world J1407B has a ring system that extends nearly 120,000,000 KM, making it 200x bigger than Saturn’s rings.
6 828 087
Zombie Planets: The freakiest worlds in the universe
When massive stars explode in violent supernovas, they wipe out any nearby planets — but sometimes, the leftovers debris from this catastrophe can cool and condense, eventually forming entirely new
4 914 821
THE SIGHTS OF SPACE: A Voyage to Spectacular Alien Worlds
Support my work:
6 338 435
Binary Dreams: How A.i. Sees The Universe
What happens when machines begin to question their origins?
1 177 213
The Sights Of Space: Official Trailer
Support this film on Patreon: / In the past few decades, we have discovered nearly 5,000 worlds beyond the reach of our sun.
731 513
LIFE BEYOND 3: In Search of Giants. The Hunt for Intelligent Alien Life (4K)
Soundtrack: | Who are the masters of the universe? Are we the only intelligent life, or is something else lurking out there?
10 167 386
Life Beyond 3: Official Trailer
Support this film on Patreon: | Who are the masters of the universe? Is there other intelligent life out there? What could they be like? How can we find them?
1 152 423
The Sounds of Space: A sonic adventure to other worlds
A collaboration with the podcast Twenty Thousand Hertz: Soundtrack: | Space is more than just a feast for the eyes.
6 359 117
The Sounds of Space: Teaser Trailer
6.16.2021. A collaboration with Twenty Thousand Hertz -- a podcast exploring the fascinating world of sound ( You won't believe your ears.
264 275
Let There Be Life: A Cosmic Art Loop (4K) (2x Loop)
NFT on SuperRare: / A celebration of our beginnings: the birth of the universe, our sun, the Earth, and life itself, in an endless cycle that
1 028 950
Life Beyond 3: Reveal Trailer
This fall: the Life Beyond saga continues. Hold on to your butts. Support the project on patreon: Follow on instagram: @melodysheep_ Twitter: @musicalscience
624 414
In the Blink of an Eye: Space in an Instant
When we look up at night, the universe seems pretty quiet. But that perspective is an illusion; in reality, there are millions of world-shattering events happening every instant across the cosmos.
2 553 969
LIFE BEYOND II: The Museum of Alien Life (4K)
Soundtrack: Support me on Patreon: What if there was a museum that contained every type of life form in the universe?
20 260 977