Karetus ft. Ricco Vitali - Future Is Now [Free]

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Опубликовано 19 мая 2013, 18:00
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So funky. I absolutely love this song from the very beginning. I wasn't too keen on the vocals at first, but they eventually grew on me; I can't stop replaying the song. Best of all, it's a free download straight of Karetus' soundcloud!

•Download this track: bit.ly/vZGmhI

soundcloud.com/karetus [Free download here]

•Official Video Clip: youtu.be/e26L6iUQA4c
•Braslive Facebook: www.facebook.com/brasliverecords
•Danilo Garcia Facebook: www.facebook.com/danilogarciaofficial

Picture by: Liam Maggs

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