Costa Rica - MC Nakury, Crypy & Patrick - 1Xtra World Cup Freestyle

7 624
BBC Radio 1Xtra2.04 млн
280 дней – 19 8376:20
Jah Izrehl | 1Xtra Jamaica 2024
Опубликовано 24 июня 2014, 6:00
MC Nakury, MC Crypy and BeatBox Patrick give us their World Cup 32


See how everybody comes together to watch, but what I want to see is the end of senseless disagreements on all sides.
All colors, no mold repeated only detonate floating spherical beats.
Greeting from the country with no army, freedom of expression, girls and boys in the school are our battalion.
Because pure is the life we want to remain the world's lungs, its evolution.
Make a note, I'm going off-screen, real life, the wall which silences and divides us
explodes, yells, roars, decides.
Protest if you cant, with their rod they will measure.
You are unique, more than you think.
Left the tumult, find your superpower. Excellence in mind and body verb projection made.
Training full time will reward you, making you wake up, dont sleep. Ha!
End of transmission, Hip Hop revolution.