Russia - Triagrutrika - 1Xtra World Cup Freestyles

117 525
123 дня – 4 2936:11
Sharky P with HLC (UKG @ 30)
123 дня – 7 8103:28
Stush - Dollar Sign (UKG @ 30)
Опубликовано 17 июня 2014, 6:00
Nick Bright has picked Triagrutrika from Russia for his first nation in the 1Xtra World Cup Freestyles

English Translation:
It's Russian Federation, everyday with hope /
to all my family thanks a lot for support /
everyday is a mix, sometimes more and sometimes less/
generous soul and something else we hide under our clothes/
welcome, everyday here gives you a reason to rise from zero to the top and vice versa /
that's my home, we come with peace, with us is God and love to the motherland,
read it in the eyes of kids from the streets.

Under the skies, everyday is a test / where to will be shown to you by Vanya Susanin

Between houses, lakes, forests/ our sledge is running by itself from the middle of nowhere/
the distance between us doesn't matter/ neither do religion or education/
on a football ground in the UK or with a joystick on a sofa underneath the Northern Lights

hello everybody / we're making rap to please our souls /
you count distance in miles, we do in "arshins"/
and this verse I've neatly added to the same (trend?) /
these guys are (talking?) From the mountain tops/
and I represent Chelyabinsk on Russia`s rap map/
we're all from the Urals/ this area is pretty huge