The Friendly Beasts - A Gregory Brothers Christmas!

106 967
15.02.20 – 184 9514:08
Rat Attack - Song Only!
Опубликовано 17 декабря 2010, 23:36
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this is one of our favorite christmas songs from growing up. we hope you enjoy it! keep your eyes peeled for more songs from this concert in the days to come.

Jesus, our brother, kind and good
Was humbly born in a stable rude
& the friendly beasts around him stood
Jesus, our brother, kind & good.

I, said the donkey, all shaggy & brown.
I carried his mother uphill & down.
I carried his mother to Bethlehem town.
I, said the donkey, all shaggy & brown.

I, said the cow, all white & red.
I gave him my manger for his bed.
I gave him my hay to pillow his head.
I, said the cow, all white & red.

I, said the sheep, with curly horn.
I gave him my wool for his blanket warm.
He wore my coat on Christmas morn.
I, said the sheep, with curly horn.

I, said the doves, from rafters high.
I cooed him to sleep, so he would not cry.
We cooed him to sleep, my mate & I.
I, said the dove, from rafters high.

I, said the nerd, all pasty & white.
I, know more equations than one can write.
My witty remarks soothed Jesus all night.
I, said the nerd, all pasty & white.

Thus, every beast by some good spell,
In the stable dark, was glad to tell
of the gifts they gave Emmanuel -
of the gifts they gave Emmanuel.