24hrs - :60 With 24hrs

19 352
Vevo20 млн
05.09.17 – 28 3061:09
Towkio - :60 With Towkio
6 дней – 1 4480:16
@StarBoyTV - Kese (Dance)
Опубликовано 1 сентября 2017, 13:00
If you already knew that 24hrs name used to be Rolls Royce Rizzy, take a bow - you're going deep on this guy. Most of the world knows the singer behind "What You Like" and "Not Impressed" by the that day-to-night moniker, because he's been moving forward of late. A handful of cool features and some impressive EPs, have put his self-proclaimed "baby-making music" in the headphones of new fans everywhere. The ATL striver, who has collaborated with Ty Dolla $sign, G-Eazy, Blackbear, and MadeinTYO, explained a few things about himself when he showed up for our rapid-fire interview. See what he has to say about his fave time at day, his most-used emoji, and how much green he's looking for.

Director & Producer: Jayson Rodriguez

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