BiBi - Unde ai fost pana acum? | Official Video

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Опубликовано 24 апреля 2019, 11:01
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Bibi - Unde ai fost pana acum
Muzica: Rus Florian, Cavasdan Loredana, Ciacoi Alexandru Stefan, Lixandru Bianca Mihaela
Text: Rus Florian, Cavasdan Loredana, Lixandru Bianca Mihaela
Editori: Roton Music Publishing, Studio 47 MS
© & (P) 2019 ROTON MUSIC


Cine ma cunoaste stie
Eu nu prea ma-ndragostesc
Mi-a fost teama sa iubesc
Inima rece
Si nu mi-a dat nimeni de stire
Eu nu stiu cum ai aparut
Sa-mi arati ce am pierdut
O inima rece

Si n-am stiut ce ma loveste
De-aia te-ntreb eu

Unde-ai fost pana acum, unde-ai fost pana acum
Sa-mi arati cum se iubeste
Unde-ai fost pan-acum, unde-ai fost pana acum
Sa-mi arati cum se traieste
Si nu te-am cautat
Nu te-am asteptat
Dar c-o privire m-ai dat peste cap
Unde-ai fost pana-acum, unde-ai fost pana acum
Inima mea se topeste

Si cine te cunoaste, stie
Erai un colectionar
Strangeai inimi la dosar
Ce inima rece
Si n-ai gustat tu din iubire
Nimeni nu ti-a pus capac
Si, uite, primii fluturi in stomac
Ii ai cu mine

Nu e totul roz, stiu ca ne-am plictisi
Si de-aia ne certam de zici ca suntem doi copii
Trei dimineata pe tine te prinde sunand
La mine la scara cu un trandafir in mana, razand
Sunt prea suparacioasa da’ imi trece si tu o stii
Ca daca vii la mine si, si imi vei sopti
Totul trece cand iubesti un visator
Ia-ma-n brate, baby, haide sa dansam pe-un nor

Roton Music TV is a hitmaker’s paradise.
Really! We’re talking INNA, Fly Project, Alexandra Stan, Akcent, Caitlyn, Manuel Riva, Amna, Connect-R, Corina, Mihail, Delia Rus, Costi, Antonia, and others.
Licensed by Warner Music since 2011, we’ve been one of Romania’s most important labels for more than 20 years now.
But we’re not going to brag about that. Let’s talk about music! Let’s talk about talent! Art. Passion. Hard work. That’s Roton Music TV!
Warning! We have a tendency to rock out to some pretty cool playlists.
On Wednesday’s '’Freshly Baked’’, and ‘’SuperWeekend’’ on Friday’s.
And as a bonus, keep your eye on our daily mix to enjoy all your favourite popular songs and discover new ones to jam to!

Listen to all your favourite Roton Music artists right here, on our channel! Live and listen!


#BiBiOfficial #RotonMusic #UndeAiFostPanaAcum