Ingrid Chavez - The first time I met Prince (Interview at The Current)

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The Current440 тыс
Опубликовано 24 сентября 2019, 14:40
Ingrid Chavez was at Williams Pub in Uptown when she met Prince. The musician/poet/actress had just moved to Minneapolis and decided to visit the pub for its weekly funk night, where Prince was sitting at the bar. That night, he invited her to Paisley Park, igniting a lasting friendship and a number of collaborations between the two artists, including the album Lovesexy and film Graffiti Bridge.

Chavez visited the our studios to talk with host Andrea Swensson about working with Prince and recording an album of poetry at Paisley Park. She shared the stories behind some of Lovesexy's songs and Prince's influence on her solo work.