Опубликовано 3 декабря 2019, 15:00
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Ma gasiti aici:

Dl Goe - 23 Decembrie
Muzica: Ionescu Nicolae Daniel
Textier: Sturzu Valentin - Narcis
Aranjament : Dobos Andrei - Colorian, Zamfir Andrei - Virgil, Suciu Horea - Cristian, Balaban Serban - Constantin
Editor: Roton Music Publishing
© & (P) 2019 ROTON MUSIC


In inima bate o toba
Ma simt asa de proba
M-am imbracat gresit
Am fesul jerpelit

M-am asezat in gara
Beau o cafea amara
Amintiri pline cu ruj
Pe buzele tale din Cluj

Dar azi
Vantul nu mai bate
Si azi

Timpul spune-n soapte
Doar pe 23
Tu ma vrei

Te vad dupa un an
O zi, atat, te am
Nu stiu ce sa iti spun
Sper nu ramas bun

Inima sare in piept
Nu mai pot sa astept
Cobori si-n brate vii
Un an e cat o zi

Roton Music TV is a hitmaker’s paradise.
Really! We’re talking INNA, Fly Project, Alexandra Stan, Akcent, Caitlyn, Manuel Riva, Amna, Connect-R, Corina, Mihail, Delia Rus, Costi, Antonia, and others.
We was licensed by Warner Music since 2011 until 2020.
We are one of Romania’s most important labels for more than 25 years now.
But we’re not going to brag about that. Let’s talk about music! Let’s talk about talent! Art. Passion. Hard work. That’s Roton Music TV!
Warning! We have a tendency to rock out to some pretty cool playlists.
On Wednesday’s '’Freshly Baked’’, and ‘’SuperWeekend’’ on Friday’s.
And as a bonus, keep your eye on our daily mix to enjoy all your favourite popular songs and discover new ones to jam to!

Listen to all your favourite Roton Music artists right here, on our channel! Live and listen!

Spotify: open.spotify.com/user/RotonMus...
Facebook: facebook.com/RotonMusic
Instagram: instagram.com/RotonMusic
Twitter: twitter.com/RotonMusic
www: Roton.ro
Booking: booking@roton.ro

#DlGoe #23Decembrie #Roton