Julia Westlin - Choose Your Choice

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Julia Westlin601 тыс
Опубликовано 3 февраля 2013, 17:13
Please Watch "SORRY": youtube.com/watch?v=OHBWrZu3LA... --~--
© Original song by Julia Westlin

❤ Donations: paypal.me/JuliaWestlinMusic

Music / Lyrics : Julia Westlin
Recording : Julia Westlin
Instruments : Julia Westlin
Drums : Julia Westlin/David MeShow
Mixing : Julia Westlin/David MeShow
Mastering : David MeShow
Video and Editing : David MeShow

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It's never true, unless You Choose
It's never the same if you don't Feel it
There's always those things we have to prove
but not for someone else, do it for You.

What about you...

If we never try the wings we got, then what is it all about
If we never try the wings we got, then what is it all about

It's not what you 'Should'
It's what you belive in
It is what you give
not what you receive
It's not what it is
It's what you perceive
Is this what you want
It's what it will lead into
be careful what you choose

Recording & Mixing Software : Steinberg Cubase 5
Mastering Software : Wavelab 6
Video Camera : Canon SLR 60D
Video Editing Sotfware : Adobe Premiere Pro