Опубликовано 2 февраля 2018, 3:25
Learn To Play Guitar: bit.ly/2DP5719

Original written by Parker Harrison and Greg Bieck

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Audio Interface: Steinberg MR816 CSX

Guitars: Gibson SG Supreme, jackson slat3-6 soloist

Bass: ESP LTD B-1005

Guitar FX: Kemper Profiling Amp, Guitar Rig 5

Drums: Steven Slate Drums 4

Microphone: Shure SM7B, Shure SM58

Audio Software: Cubase, Wavelab

Plugins: Acustica Audio Acqua & Nebula, TC Electronic Powercore X8, Oxford plugins bundle

Video Software: Adobe Premiere Pro

Camera: Canon 60D


You were so beautiful in San Francisco when we met
A dozen red roses to match the color of your dress
Can you ever trust somebody?
Do you understand life?
When everyone's betrayed me, and love is blind?

Lisa, you're tearing me apart!
Lisa, when you play games with my heart
I don't care anymore
I'll just hide behind this door

I gave you the best years of my life
Thought you would be my future wife
So why am I so hysterical?
Will everything be alright?
Can you ever trust somebody?
Do you understand life?
When everyone's betrayed me, and love is blind?

Lisa, you're tearing me apart!
Lisa, when you play games with my heart
I don't care anymore
I'll just hide behind this door

People are very strange these days
So you threw it all away
What a crazy ride

Lisa, oh you're tearing me, you're tearing me apart
Don't you play games, don't you play games
Woah Lisa
Oh you're tearing me apart