☺ David MeShow - Playing RockSmith 2014

401 605
Опубликовано 28 октября 2013, 17:42
Learn To Play Guitar: bit.ly/2DP5719

Rocksmith 2014 is available for PS3, Xbox 360, PC and Mac right now!

Details for the contest:

Recently, Youtube removed "video response" so that feature is no longer available. Be sure to write "David MeShow RockSmith 2014 Contest" as a title so I can find your video. It's simple, just tell me:

- What's your name ?
- Where you come from ?
- How did you discovered me ?
- Why should I give you that prize ?

1st prize: Free Bundle including an electric guitar & game (Most Likes)
2nd prize: Free copy of the game autographed by me (I choose)

Ending: 2013 November 12

► Patreon: patreon.com/davidmeshow

► Website: davidmeshow.com

► Facebook: facebook.com/DavidMeShowPage

► SoundCloud: soundcloud.com/david-meshow

► Twitter: twitter.com/davidmeshow

► Instagram: instagram.com/davidmeshow

► MySpace: myspace.com/davidmeshow