Tai Verdes - we would have some cute kids.

2 099
19.03.21 – 4954:03
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Опубликовано 18 марта 2021, 23:42
Presave the album ‘TV’ out April 16: fanlink.to/tvalbum
Listen to “we would have some cute kids.”: taiverdes.lnk.to/cutekids

Follow me:
Instagram: instagram.com/taiverdes
Twitter: twitter.com/taiverdes
TikTok: tiktok.com/@taiverdes

Directed by Logan Fields
Starring Tai Verdes, Kayla Moore, Arianna White, Austin Willis and Mia Ciciliot

“we would have some cute kids.”
Performed by Tai Verdes
Written by Tai Verdes and Adam Friedman
Produced and mixed by Adam Friedman
Mastered by Joe LaPorta

#TaiVerdes #CuteKids