wiwibloggs205 тыс
Опубликовано 17 мая 2021, 22:50
We react to the Semi-Final 1 jury show of Eurovision 2021. Sixteen countries sang and are competing for just 10 spots. We name our individual Top 3. We also discuss Romania, Ukraine and Malta being allowed to repeat their performances.
Special thanks to the Student Hotel Rotterdam: thestudenthotel.com/rotterdam
William: instagram.com/williamleeadams
Cinan: instagram.com/cinansdl
Suzanne: instagram.com/suzadams1
Diego: instagram.com/diegopinpa
Video Editor:
Cinan - instagram.com/cinansdl
#Eurovision #ESC2021 #JuryShow
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Special thanks to the Student Hotel Rotterdam: thestudenthotel.com/rotterdam
William: instagram.com/williamleeadams
Cinan: instagram.com/cinansdl
Suzanne: instagram.com/suzadams1
Diego: instagram.com/diegopinpa
Video Editor:
Cinan - instagram.com/cinansdl
#Eurovision #ESC2021 #JuryShow
Listen to the Wiwibloggs podcast:
Spotify: wiwibloggs.com/spotify
Apple: podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/...
Tune In: tunein.com/podcasts/Music-Podc...
Follow us for more Eurovision videos and news:
Main site: wiwibloggs.com
Facebook: wiwibloggs.com/facebook
Twitter: wiwibloggs.com/twitter
Instagram: wiwibloggs.com/instagram
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