EPIC POP | Sami J. Laine & Deniz Kirci - See The Light

66 634
Опубликовано 13 января 2023, 19:20
You are allowed to use this music in your videos (as all the "Epic Music World Label" music - always named in video and description if it belongs to the label) as long as you don't monetize them and you credit correctly ("Stream & Download The Track" links and "🎧 Video Details" section). If you plan to monetize the video, you'll need to buy a license (therefore contact me on my E-Mail adress). Please be aware that not all uploads on this channel are part of the Epic Music World label. Please check the description for the info (if it is not part of the EMW label you'll need to contact the artist and not me for the permission).

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All EMW Label Music: spoti.fi/2EHvrK4
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Epic Vocal World: spoti.fi/2Lh3Kx9

Stream & Download The Track:
▸ Spotify: rebrand.ly/SeeTheLight_Spotify
▸ iTunes / Apple Music: rebrand.ly/SeeTheLight_AppleMu...
▸ Amazon: rebrand.ly/SeeTheLight_AmazonM...
▸ YouTube Music: rebrand.ly/SeeTheLight_YouTube...
▸ Deezer: rebrand.ly/SeeTheLight_Deezer
▸ Tidal: rebrand.ly/SeeTheLight_Tidal

Follow Sami J. Laine:
▸ Socials and More: linktr.ee/SamiJLaine
▸ Discord Server: discord.com/invite/qf49GVjFTH

Follow Deniz Kirci:
▸ Instagram: instagram.com/denizkirci.mp3
▸ YouTube: youtube.com/channel/UCIWMJIBxI...
▸ Spotify: open.spotify.com/artist/77zbba...


▸ Learn From Evenant Courses (Learn To Make: Trailer Music, Cinematic Music, Cinematic Design, Sound Design & More): goo.gl/miZCfd
▸ Learn How To Master Orchestral Post Production: goo.gl/vidFoo
▸ Trailer Music Mastery - Learn how to write epic hybrid-orchestral trailer music: goo.gl/urFTBu
▸ Trailer Music Basics - Learn how to build a strong career foundation as a modern music producer for trailers: bit.ly/31aaBzR

🎧 All Label Music Of Epic Music World™ Is Available On:
▸ YouTube Music: bit.ly/YouTubeMusicEMW
▸ Spotify: bit.ly/EMWSpotify
▸ Deezer: bit.ly/EMWDezeer
▸ Apple Music: bit.ly/EMWApple
▸ Amazon Music: rebrand.ly/EpicMusicWorld_Amaz...
▸ Tidal: rebrand.ly/EMW_Tidal

Epic Music World™ Websites:
▸ Spotify: bit.ly/EpicMusicWorld
▸ Twitch: twitch.tv/kai_emw
▸ Keep Me Alive (Donation): goo.gl/iIsogi
▸ Merchandise EU: shop.spreadshirt.net/epicmusic...
▸ Epic Music World II: bit.ly/1Oo4n11
▸ Facebook: facebook.com/EpicMusicWorld2
▸ Join Discord: discord.gg/ry5z8AZ
▸ Patreon: patreon.com/EpicMusicWorld
▸ Soundcloud: soundcloud.com/epicmusicworld
▸ Instagram: instagram.com/kai_emw
▸ Work Submission For The Epic Music World Label (Only Unreleased Music): epicmusicworld@gmx.net

🎧 Video Details:

Track: See the Light
Artist: Sami J. Laine x Deniz Kirci
Label: Epic Music World
Album: See the Light (Single)
Year: 2023
©℗: 2023 Epic Music World Label

★ Animation by Realtime Motion Studios: realtime-motion-studios.rf.gd
★ Buy Your Animation: rocketr.net/sellers/realtimemo...

📸 Amazing Image Artist: GUWEIZ

▸ Image: twitter.com/ttguweiz/status/15...
▸ DeviantArt: guweiz.deviantart.com
▸ ArtStation: artstation.com/guweiz
▸ Instagram: instagram.com/guweiz
▸ Twitter: twitter.com/ttguweiz
▸ Tumblr: guweiz.tumblr.com
▸ Facebook: facebook.com/guweiz

© Copyright Info

✔ Be aware all music and pictures belongs to the original artists.
✔ This video was given a special license directly from the artists.
✖ I am in no position to give anyone permission to use this

.➝ Please ask the artists and NOT me for permission !!!

🔔 Relevant hashtags:
#seethelight #epicmusic #epicpop