J. Kimo Williams - Red Summer 1919: If 7 Was 4 It Would Not Matter (Official Video)

217 дней – 2822:41
Getparadox - Agenda
Опубликовано 17 октября 2023, 17:14
First World War Black veterans returned home from fighting in France hoping to be recognized as equal citizens in this country. Despite their sacrifices and service, they faced continued oppression and harsh treatment under Jim Crow laws. The 1919 riots, also known as The Red Summer, marked a turning point as Black citizens supported by these returning veterans fought against their mistreatment for the first time.
This is ACT II - Scene 3 from the Instrumental Opera Red Summer 1919.
In the heart of New York City, a group of steadfast individuals known as the 369th Harlem Hell Fighters, led by the gallant Soaritu Jr., gather on the iconic 5th Avenue. These proud souls, all seasoned Army warriors hailing from the battles in France, converge with a common purpose – to partake in a grand patriotic parade that will honor their unwavering dedication to their nation.
Arrayed in uniforms that gleam with meticulous care, the veterans stand tall and unyielding. A collective sense of pride emanates from their eyes, mirroring the valorous stories etched within their hearts. As they begin their march, a symphony of camaraderie unfolds. A rhythmic exchange of tales takes center stage, each veteran alternating to recount moments of bravery, sacrifice, and connection forged on the crucible of the battlefield. These narratives weave a tapestry of triumphs, poignant losses, and the enduring bonds formed amidst the crucible of conflict, vividly illustrating the sacrifices these men have endured for the greater good.
As the parade reaches its crescendo, jubilation fills the air. The streets overflow with the soldiers, their jubilant spirit a testament to the celebration of their service. United voices rise in harmonious song, glasses clink in joyful salute, and for a fleeting moment, their struggles are forgotten as brotherhood takes precedence.
However, a distant wail of sirens pierces the revelry, injecting a sudden urgency into the atmosphere. The veterans, attuned to being in harm's way, quickly react with defensive postures. Elation metamorphoses into trepidation as they discern the approaching authorities. Questions hang heavy in the air, their faces etched with concern. Uncertainty abounds as they ponder the implications of this unexpected interruption. How could these unforeseen events affect their well-deserved celebration and their rights as veterans?
Caught in the crossroads of jubilation and apprehension, they share a knowing glance, their thoughts unspoken but deeply felt. A realization dawns that the nation they have sacrificed for still bears the scars of division and prejudice; in this land that should be a beacon of unity, the specter of systemic injustice looms, casting a shadow over even the proudest moments of camaraderie. They are forced out of celebration and once again into combat mode.
In this tale of courage and unity, the journey of Soaritu Jr. and his comrades unfolds against the backdrop of celebration and apprehension. They stand as a testament to the enduring spirit of those who have served, navigating the battles they have fought on distant shores and the ongoing struggle for justice and unity within their homeland.

Liner notes that include each scene narrative breakdown can be found at omikmusic.com/rs%3A-act-i-line...