🇦🇹 Kaleen says "We Will Rave" was written for Eurovision 2024 stage (INTERVIEW)

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Опубликовано 5 марта 2024, 12:00
Kaleen — Austria's Eurovision 2024 singer — has just released "We Will Rave." The techno-inspired 90s dance track comes with a super sexy music video, which was filmed in Los Angeles. In the video we see an empowered woman who is in total control of the men around her. Kaleen tells us about the music video, the story she portrays and how it relates to her personal story. She also explains how the song has changed since the leak of the demo version. Among other things, she fine-tuned it with camera angles and Eurovision staging in mind.

William - instagram.com/williamleeadams

Video Editor:
William - twitter.com/willyleeadams

#Eurovision #ESC2024 #Eurovision2024

You can order William's Eurovision memoir "WILD DANCES: My Queer and Curious Journey to Eurovision" here:

Amazon: amazon.co.uk/Wild-Dances-Curio...

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