Epic Songs That Make You Feel Like A Lone Warrior | Epic Emotional Music Mix

342 975
Опубликовано 13 декабря 2024, 22:45
🎧 Playlist:
01. 00:00:00 Twelve Titans Music - Act Of Will
02. 00:02:59 Twelve Titans Music - Protect Us From Evil
03. 00:06:19 Trailer Rebel - Hidden Lies
04. 00:08:49 Black Coyote - Unspoken Farewell
05. 00:13:43 Black Coyote - Rising Echoes
06. 00:16:34 Peter Roe - Fallen Hero
07. 00:20:19 Twelve Titans Music - Worthy
08. 00:23:19 Twelve Titans Music - Worth Fighting For
09. 00:26:37 Twelve Titans Music - Hymn Of The Exiled
10. 00:29:31 Sami Vuorensola - Era of Farewells
11. 00:33:25 Sami Vuorensola - At the End of the Line
12. 00:37:44 Gabriel França C.S - Inanis
13. 00:43:57 Twelve Titans Music - Coda
14. 00:47:24 Twelve Titans Music - Duality
15. 00:50:06 Twelve Titans Music - Weightless
16. 00:53:28 Twelve Titans Music - Empty Spaces
17. 00:56:03 Brian Delgado - Memories
18. 00:58:45 Eternal Eclipse - Forgotten Odes
19. 01:01:02 Eternal Eclipse - Afterlight
20. 01:03:15 Twelve Titans Music - Be Free
21. 01:06:54 Twelve Titans Music - The Evening Fog
22. 01:10:03 Twelve Titans Music - We Stand In Silence
23. 01:13:24 Brian Delgado - Forgotten
24. 01:15:48 Eternal Eclipse - The Last Funeral
25. 01:18:26 Eternal Eclipse - Theory of Light
26. 01:20:11 Brian Delgado - Remember
27. 01:22:35 Twelve Titans Music - Departure
28. 01:25:36 Twelve Titans Music - Elevate
29. 01:28:11 Twelve Titans Music - Transcendence
30. 01:30:54 Eternal Eclipse - Reach (feat. Merethe Soltvedt)
31. 01:33:23 Eternal Eclipse - Born from Ashes
32. 01:36:25 Dirk Ehlert - Save The World (Atom Music Audio)
33. 01:39:06 Narek Mirzaei - Freedom Is Not Far Away (Atom Music Audio)
34. 01:41:36 Mayrain - Stellarium (Atom Music Audio)
35. 01:45:04 Pieces of Eden - Braveheart (Atom Music Audio)
36. 01:48:37 Hyun & Mayrain - We Are Warriors (Atom Music Audio)
37. 01:51:55 Craig Meier - Your Destiny (Atom Music Audio)
38. 01:55:55 Andrew Clark - A New Dawn (Atom Music Audio)
39. 02:00:01 Elias Nilsson - Still Alive (Atom Music Audio)
40. 02:03:01 Emad Yaghoubi - Falling Star (Atom Music Audio)
41. 02:05:52 Lisa van Hal - Downpour (Atom Music Audio)
42. 02:09:10 Lisa van Hal - Limitless (Atom Music Audio)
43. 02:11:59 Pieces of Eden - Trapped In Time (Atom Music Audio)
44. 02:15:23 Pieces of Eden - Running For It (Atom Music Audio)
45. 02:17:22 Christoffer Isefält - Across The Universe (Atom Music Audio)
46. 02:20:27 Danny Rayel - Serene (Atom Music Audio)
47. 02:23:57 Brian Delgado - Wings of Eternity (Atom Music Audio)
48. 02:27:28 David Chapell - Oceans Apart (Atom Music Audio)
49. 02:32:06 Mirko Rizzello - Ascend (Atom Music Audio)
50. 02:34:43 Dominik A Hecker - Pegasus (Atom Music Audio)
51. 02:36:57 Pieces of Eden - Peruvian Princess (Atom Music Audio)
52. 02:39:08 Eduardo Jimenez - Lost In The Stars (Atom Music Audio)
53. 02:43:12 Jannick Damkvist - Withering (Atom Music Audio)
54. 02:46:07 Fred Texier - In The After (Atom Music Audio)
55. 02:48:45 Pieces of Eden - Surrender (Atom Music Audio)
56. 02:51:52 Fred Texier - Gauntlet (Atom Music Audio)
57. 02:55:12 Emad Yaghoubi - Cosmic Vortex (Atom Music Audio)
58. 02:57:48 Pieces of Eden - Beyond The Horizon (Atom Music Audio)
59. 03:00:28 Eduardo Jimenez - Damaged (Atom Music Audio)
60. 03:05:06 Christoffer Isefält - Horizon (Atom Music Audio)
61. 03:08:27 Javor Pachovski - Wake Up In Space (Atom Music Audio)
62. 03:11:23 Lisa van Hal - Red Moon (Atom Music Audio)
63. 03:14:37 Samarth Bellur - Into The Further (Atom Music Audio)
64. 03:18:08 Hyun & Mayrain - Celestial Sphere (Atom Music Audio)
65. 03:21:52 David Chappell - Arrow of Time
66. 03:26:39 Shankar Sharma - To Be Human (Epic Music World)
67. 03:30:56 Gísli Gunnarsson - Hughrif (ft. Hrafnhildur)
68. 03:35:22 Gísli Gunnarsson - Birds of Paradise
69. 03:38:57 Christian Post - Where Heroes Fall
70. 03:42:38 Ray Pherz - No Name Forever (Epic Music World)
71. 03:49:45 Gísli Gunnarsson - Dawn
72. 03:52:21 Emil Nilsson - One Last Breath (Epic Music World)
73. 03:57:02 David Chappell - This Quiet Violence
74. 04:00:08 Gabriel Salcedo - Souls of the Brave (Epic Music World)
75. 04:03:13 David Chappell - Live To See Tomorrow
76. 04:07:28 Emil Nilsson - You Are Not Alone (Epic Music World)
77. 04:11:23 Max Grigoryev - Silence
78. 04:14:45 Falk Wünsch - One Life
79. 04:21:01 Emil Nilsson - A Final Farewell (Epic Music World)
80. 04:25:03 Brian Delgado - My Sacrifice Will Not Be Forgotten (Epic Music World)
81. ... rest will be added in comment section (too long for description)

Artist Info: added soon - there are so many ;)

📸 Image: soon :)

★ Animation by Realtime Motion Studios: realtime-motion-studios.rf.gd
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