Опубликовано 31 декабря 2013, 8:00
Get the Armada Podcast on iTunes: bit.ly/ArmadaWeeklyPodcast

Armada Music will keep you on track on all things Armada with the official Armada Music Podcast. The Armada Podcast features our latest releases, artist-news and well... simply rocks your ears. Every week, we'll air a special selection of new tracks and keep you up to date on everything you need to know about Armada. Win albums, stay on track and most of all: enjoy the music!

Episode 155 includes the latest M Recordings release, a new track by Vandroo & Luca on Cryon, a new Perfecto Records releases and Bjorn Akesson's latest on FSOE!

01. Andrea Roma & Yeso - Polka
02. Vandroo & Luca - Lethal Artillery
03. Yonathan Zvi - Evolution
04. Bjorn Akesson - Slam!

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