OGAE Germany Convention 2014: The Herreys Interview (Sweden 1984)

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Опубликовано 30 января 2014, 11:18
On Saturday, 25 January 2014, OGAE Germany held their annual convention in Munich, Germany with the participation of many national and international fans, Eurovision Reference Group Member from Germany - Dr. Thomas Schreiber, Hostess of the National Finals of Germany Ms. Caroline Reiber and Valentina Monetta (San Marino 2012, 2013 & 2014), Malene Mortensen (Denmark 2002), Jahn Johansen (Sweden 1995) and last but not least - they were there too - Eurovision Royalty from Sweden.

The Herreys won the Eurovision Song Contest 1984 in Luxembourg which is a mere 30 years ago :) OGAE Germany are extremely happy that the brothers from Sweden followed the invitation and came to Munich for the OGAE Germany annual convention 2014. JP and parts of the Team of Radio International were on location and interviewed the winning brothers Richard, Per & Louis Herrey after their sound check. The Herreys won the contest with a total of 145 points.

Enjoy the interview!
