Google Chrome Developers

771 тыс
162 млн
1 859
24 Апр 2012
20.05.16 45:20
Polymer and Progressive Web Apps: Building on the modern web - Google I/O 2016
Taylor Savage on Polymer and Progressive Web Apps: Building on the modern web The Polymer library, re-written from the ground up with its 1.0 release last year, helps you build composable
101 247
18.06.19 9:07
Send and receive push messages - Progressive Web App Training
How do you send a message from your web server to one user — or lots of users? How can you do that in a way that's fast, reliable and secure? What if the user's browser is closed?
101 219
11.11.16 24:08
May We Help You? Tools and Libraries for Progressive Web Apps (Chrome Dev Summit 2016)
Jeff walks through Lighthouse and all the tools and libraries we produce to help web developers easily build great Progressive Web Apps.
100 878
25.01.17 3:20
Chrome 56: Web Bluetooth, CSS Position Sticky, and HTML5 By Default
With Chrome 56, web apps can now communicate with nearby Bluetooth Low Energy devices using the Web Bluetooth API, position sticky is back - making it easy to create elements that scroll normally
99 986
19.05.17 40:33
Production Progressive Web Apps With JavaScript Frameworks (Google I/O '17)
Learn how the world’s largest brands ship Progressive Web Apps that instantly load on mobile hardware.
98 970
03.05.22 24:50
Is .css a bad idea? Is inlining the way forward? | HTTP 203
Ada (from Samsung Internet) and Jake (not from Samsung Internet) chat about issues with managing CSS, and whether external resources make it harder to build performant sites.
98 322
10.05.23 11:49
Introducing WebGPU: Unlocking modern GPU access for JavaScript
WebGPU is a new Javascript API bringing more featureful access to the GPU while being more idiomatic to JavaScript. WebGPU is now being released in Chrome so websites can start relying on it.
98 079
09.05.18 39:52
Build the future of the web with modern JavaScript (Google I/O ’18)
This presentation gives an overview of cutting-edge JavaScript development techniques to build modern web and Node.js apps.
97 849
11.11.16 47:19
Production PWAs with frameworks (Chrome Dev Summit 2016)
Addy works through building Progressive Web Apps with different common development frameworks.
97 849
12.09.19 5:11
Optimise your code: load code at the right time
Three techniques to optimize website performance by loading JavaScript as late as possible.
96 875
31.01.17 40:39
Servers for WebRTC: It is not all Peer to Peer (Kranky Geek WebRTC Brazil 2016)
While WebRTC is largely a peer-to-peer technology, it does still require servers to help signal the initial connection, navigate NATs, and to support advanced calling scenarios.
96 661
12.11.19 23:29
HTML isn’t done! (Chrome Dev Summit 2019)
Let’s go back in time a bit. Remember when word was out that we were going to get new HTML elements? I don’t know about you, but I was so excited.
95 809
04.06.19 6:52
Chrome 75 - What’s New in DevTools
New to DevTools in Chrome 75: 0:10 - Meaningful preset values when autocompleting CSS functions 0:57 - Clear site data from the Command Menu 1:37 - View all IndexedDB databases 2:21 - View a
95 659
01.05.19 6:24
Install a PWA on the home screen - Progressive Web App Training
Your PWA can have a presence on the user's device — just like a native app. This video shows you how. Full playlist:
95 450
14.07.19 4:41
Chrome 76 - What’s New in DevTools
New to DevTools in Chrome 76: 0:10 - Autocomplete with CSS values 0:43 - New UI for network settings 1:15 - HAR import and export buttons 2:00 - Real-time total memory usage 2:21 - Service worker
95 297
12.03.20 3:05
Chrome 81 - What’s New in DevTools
New to DevTools in Chrome 81: 0:10 - Moto G4 support in Device Mode 0:39 - Blocked Cookies in the Cookies pane 1:02 - Copy as Node.js fetch to include cookie data 1:32 - More accurate web app
93 964
10.05.18 34:28
Build the future of the web with WebAssembly and more (Google I/O '18)
This talk will cover how to use the most advanced modern web technologies to build experiences that were never possible on the web before.
93 384
16.09.16 7:34
Just use button -- A11ycasts #05
Talking about tabindex and custom controls is super fun, and we'll definitely be doing more of it in the future.
93 229
15.07.20 10:12
Storage for the web
How should we be storing data and caching our critical app resources on the client? Is IndexedDB still the best option? What about Local Storage?
92 985
19.08.16 7:58
What is Focus? -- A11ycasts #03
Focus is one of the main pillars of accessibility, but it's also an area that many developers are a little fuzzy on.
92 934
19.04.19 4:14
Chrome 74 - What’s New in DevTools
New to DevTools in Chrome 74: 0:09 - Highlight all nodes affected by CSS property 0:42 - Audits panel updates 1:54 - Binary WebSocket message viewer 2:35 - Capture area screenshot 2:58 - Service
92 811
18.12.20 14:07
Transitioning to modern JavaScript
Over 90% of web traffic comes from browsers that support modern JavaScript, yet most websites ship legacy syntax in order to support a small number of very old browsers.
92 597
03.09.19 5:46
Chrome 77 - What’s New in DevTools
New to DevTools in Chrome 77: 0:10 - Copy element’s style 0:35 - Visualize layouts shifts 1:15 - Lighthouse 5.1 in the Audits panel 2:02 - OS theme syncing 2:36 - Keyboard shortcut for opening
92 330
11.05.16 3:25
Push Notifications: Totally Tooling Tips (S3, E3)
In Push Notifications, Totally Tooling Tips, Matt and Addy talk about Push Notifications for web applications. These allow you to re-engage users with breaking news and information about new content.
90 766
10.05.19 34:21
Going Big: PWAs Come to Desktop and Chrome OS (Google I/O ’19)
Progressive Web Apps aren't just for mobile any more, they make it possible to deliver high quality, capable apps on Windows, Mac, Linux and Chrome OS.
90 597
26.04.17 14:42
Intro to Web Push & Notifications
With service workers, push notifications are now available on the web.
90 429
20.06.16 4:47
Summit Report: Building for billions with Progressive Web Apps (Progressive Web App Summit 2016)
Rob talks connectivity, context and optimization with Tal Oppenheimer, who's building Progressive Web Apps for the next billion users.
90 151
27.04.16 6:06
Offline Support, Totally Tooling Tips (S3, Ep1)
Learn how to take your web apps offline with Service Worker in this whirlwind tour of using the API with tech's most incompetent duo.
90 150
12.09.15 53:14
Google: What's next for WebRTC?
Always the highlight of this event, Google provides the nitty gritty details on what they are doing to progress WebRTC and their internal developments to help your application succeed.
90 096
14.01.21 5:16
Chrome 88 - What’s New in DevTools
New to DevTools in Chrome 88: What’s new in DevTools (Chrome 88) → CSS Angle documentation → Web Vitals → Tweet us →
89 131
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