Google — 25 Years in Search: The Most Searched
This year, we’re celebrating the most searched figures and moments in 25 years of Google Search.
360 067 576
Google — Year in Search 2024
This year, we're celebrating the Breakout Searches of 2024. From iconic performances, to history-making breakthroughs, see the moments that shaped our year in ways we didn't see coming.
347 952 313
Google — Year in Search 2022
This year, the world searched “can i change” more than ever before.
297 813 850
What Happens When A Freerunner Drops His Phone?
German freerunner Jason Paul has our adrenaline pumping! Watch as he races past iconic landmarks in Hamburg. Shout out to @Redbull and @XiaomiDeutschland for this fantastic video!
296 691 551
Google — Year in Search 2020
In times of uncertainty, people seek understanding and meaning. This year, the world searched “why” more than ever.
244 427 684
Google — Year in Search 2021
In a year that continued to test many, the world searched “how to heal” more than ever.
241 055 986
Introducing AR view
AR view lets you view thousands of products in your home, before you buy them.
222 618 892
Google — Year in Search 2019
Throughout history, when times are challenging, the world goes looking for heroes. And this year, searches for heroes — both superheroes and everyday heroes — soared around the world.
157 128 489
Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge vs. iPhone 6S Plus Coca-Cola Freeze Test 9 Hours! Will It Survive ?
Thanks for watching this video! I did it a couple of years ago and didn’t expect it to become such a major success! Thank you all for helping me win more in life!
147 340 639
Ball Pit
Made by Minoja Wijewardene, Alex Ainslie, Leo Baghdassarian, Leo Deegan, Kevin Damm, & Nicholas Seckar. Learn more at
122 422 741
Dropping an iPhone XS Down Crazy Spiral Staircase 300 Feet - Will It Survive?
We found this crazy spiral staircase and dropped an iPhone XS to see if it survives! The drop was from approx. 30 stories high.
119 233 031
Google — Year in Search 2018
In a year of ups and downs, the world searched for "good" more than ever before — according to Google Trends.
117 270 954
Apple is starting to #GetTheMessage
We believe in making texting better for everyone. Apple is starting to #GetTheMessage and adopt RCS.
109 674 854
Google Workspace | Custom Email
With Google Workspace, you can create a Gmail account with your own domain and branding, helping your business look professional in any inbox. That's business email made easy, with Google Workspace.
94 530 215
What's inside a Rattlesnake Rattle?
We CUT OPEN a Rattlesnake Rattle to see what’s inside!! Rattlesnakes are dangerous reptiles that can have a lethal bite, luckily for us this one was not alive.
93 149 699
A Google documentary | Trillions of questions, no easy answers
This Google documentary starts in a dusty basement with boxes of old footage, like a typical home movie.
93 066 984
Taking a Bath in a Giant 1,500 Gallon Coca-Cola Swimming Pool!
This was epic! After weeks of buying thousands of Coke bottles and many more hours of opening and pouring, the magnificent Coca-Cola pool was created.
86 922 781
Amazon’s Big Game Commercial: Alexa’s Body
It took us a while, but we've found a new body for Alexa. Who knew Alexa had abs? Watch now and vote for your favorite ad on Ad Meter!
78 618 176
The Underdogs: Swiped Mac | Apple at Work
The Underdogs are back in action. This time they’re on a mission to save a missing Mac. Thankfully they’ve got Apple’s powerful security features on their side. Great news for them.
78 335 272
Google Workspace: Mini Monster Extended
Google Workspace is how teams of all sizes do their best work. It's home to the apps used by more than 3 billion people around the world - Gmail, Calendar, Docs, Sheets and more.
77 974 781
The Most Searched: A Celebration of Black History Makers
This Black History Month, we’re celebrating some of #TheMostSearched moments and individuals in America.
73 084 432
Microsoft 365 Grants for Nonprofits
Microsoft 365 grants help power your nonprofit with productivity and collaboration tools like Teams, Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint, and more.
70 945 867
Amazon’s Big Game Commercial: Mind Reader
Is Alexa reading minds a good idea? No. No it is not. Watch now and starting 2/9, vote for your favorite ad on Ad Meter!
69 776 735
Introducing Apple Vision Pro
The era of spatial computing is here, where digital content blends seamlessly with your physical space. So you can do the things you love in ways never before possible. This is Apple Vision Pro.
66 272 612
Give big, shop small business.
Discover great holiday gift ideas from woman-owned businesses, family-owned businesses, local businesses and more on Amazon.
63 589 459
Apple Event — October 13
Watch the special Apple Event and learn about the latest updates for HomePod mini, iPhone, and more. To watch the event interpreted in American Sign Language (ASL), please click here: youtu.
62 606 468
Google Workspace: Pupcakes
Google Workspace is how teams of all sizes do their best work. It's home to the apps used by more than 3 billion people around the world - Gmail, Calendar, Docs, Sheets and more.
58 749 895
Android Developer Story: Strava sees 30% more daily active users by expanding to Wear OS
Strava invested in wearables helped us take their product and experience to the next level - helping athletes record a run, ride or hike with ease on Wear OS devices.
58 620 747
Malware Protection | There’s no place like Chrome
Where malware protection is built in. There’s no place like Chrome. Learn more here:
57 748 336