
3.12 млн
556 млн
13 Ноя 2011
20.02.16 7:24
Can Chocolate Chip Cookie Case Save iPad Air from 100 FT Drop Test? - GizmoSlip
We got a little crazy in Brandon's Kitchen in this week's video. Today's recipe was a techno chocolate fusion that merged immigrating tech trends and America innovated cookie making.
4 474 017
22.07.17 5:58
Can World's Largest Jolly Rancher Protect iPhone 7 from 100 FT Drop Test? - GizmoSlip
Can the World's Largest Jolly Rancher save an iPhone 7 from a 100 FT drop test onto concrete? I don't know, but it's going to be freaking epic!
4 460 727
11.02.17 7:41
Can iPhone 7 Survive 100 FT Drop Test Frozen in Mountain Dew? Frozen Two Months!!
We froze this iPhone 7 in a bowl of Mountain Dew for two months (you'll see why) and then dropped it from 100 ft! Freaking epic! Thanks for watching, see you next week!
4 117 191
06.02.16 3:40
Can Duct Tape Protect iPad Air from 100 FT Extreme Drop Test? - GizmoSlip
A few weeks ago, we tried using Silly Putty to protect an iPad Air from a ridiculous 80 FT drop.
4 053 660
26.11.16 9:48
How Far Away Can World Champion Knife Thrower Hit iPad Pro 9.7"? - Gizmoslip
We met up with World Champion Knife Thrower, Adam Celadin, to see how far away he could accurately hit a brand new 9.7" iPad Pro with his throwing knives. It was ridiculous!
4 023 418
04.03.18 7:01
Insane 1200 lb Neodymium Magnets vs iPhone X! Can It Survive?
These neodymium magnets have 1200 total lbs combined pull force and are freaking scary! Can an iPhone X display survive these two titan clashing together?
4 020 118
04.06.16 3:48
Can a Pineapple Protect iPhone 6s From Extreme 100 FT Drop Test? - GizmoSlip
How well does a pineapple work as an iPhone case? Find out in today's video!
3 936 485
05.11.16 4:35
Can Floof Protect an iPhone 7 from 100 FT Drop Test? - Gizmoslip
In today's episode, we tested Floof and an iPhone 7 in an epic Gizmoslip style drop test. The results were pretty surprising! Thanks so much for watching, enjoy!
3 592 665
21.01.17 8:17
Can 500 Skittles Protect an iPhone 7 from Extreme 100 FT Drop Test? - GizmoSlip
$100 Gift Card Giveaway Rules: - Post a comment for what you think would be a good GizmoSlip slogan (It can be funny, corny, whatever you can come up with!) - We'll be picking our 5 favorite
3 398 452
06.12.17 7:52
iPhone X Ballistic Gel Drop Test! - Mous Limitless Case Review
Mous sent over their new iPhone X Mous Limitless case to do a GizmoSlip drop test! And since ballastic gel + iPhone X + huge drop test sounded epic, that's what I decided to do! But what do you think?
3 342 661
01.11.18 8:41
I Gave Out $1000 iPhone XS for Halloween! Reactions Were Priceless!
I decided to give away several smartphones for Halloween, including the iPhone XS, iPhone XR, the Galaxy S9+, and the Huawei P20 Pro. The reactions were priceless!
3 327 379
06.10.16 10:26
How Many iPhones Can a 12 FT Guillotine Slice Through?
Guillotine + iPhones = Epic! We teamed up with the guys over at Zombie Go Boom and The Destruction Channel to see just how many iPhones a 12ft Guillotine can cut through.
3 279 370
23.07.16 8:19
How Many Swings Does it Take to Chop 50" 4K TV with a 6FT Berserker Broadsword? - GizmoSlip
We tested out a 40 lb 6FT Broadsword against a 50" 4k TV. Turns out TVs are surprisingly durable. How many swings will it take to chop it? lol!
3 223 511
21.09.18 3:40
iPhone Xs Max vs Note 9 Katana Scratch Test!
iPhone Xs Max is here, and so is the Galaxy Note 9... You know what that means! It's time for the katana scratch test! It's going to be freaking epic! Let's get started!
3 220 382
03.06.17 8:15
Can a Raindrop Cake Protect Galaxy S8 From 100 FT Drop Test?
Raindrop cake is tasteless, melts instantly in your mouth, and has almost no calories. But can it protect a Galaxy S8 from a 100 FT drop test? Let's find out!
3 177 774
07.05.16 6:56
Can iPhone 6s Survive 100 FT Drop Test in an Ice Cream Cone? - GizmoSlip
Ice cream cones are one of my favorites things to exist ever, and so is an iPhone 6s. But can one save the other from a 100 FT drop test? Find out!
2 999 449
15.05.19 9:37
OnePlus 7 Pro POP UP CAMERA Durability Drop Test! Will It Survive?
OnePlus 7 Pro has an incredible design, made possible by it's pop up camera, but how durable is the pop up camera itself?
2 817 191
30.07.16 5:52
Can Harry Potter Book Protect iPhone 6s from 100 FT Drop Test?
Using a book to drop test an iPhone has been suggested so many times, I finally had to do it! It turned out pretty epic too. Huge shoutout to Audible for helping make this episode possible!
2 813 860
23.01.16 5:55
Can a Battle Forged Katana Slice iPhone 6 in Half? - GizmoSlip
Support the Show and Buy the iPhone Featured in this Episode:
2 791 157
22.10.16 6:02
Can Soda Cans Protect iPhone 6S from 100FT Drop Test onto Concrete? - Gizmoslip
Thanks to Best Fiends Forever for sponsoring this episode - Download for Free - Ever wonder if soda cans could protect your iPhone 6S from a massive drop?
2 771 092
27.08.16 4:34
Can Galaxy Note 7 Survive a 100 FT Drop Test Frozen in Ice Block? Epic test!
Galaxy Note 7 is an epic phone, and we did an epic test to see if it could survive being frozen in a block of ice and then dropped 100 ft onto concrete! Check it out!
2 688 737
10.01.16 3:15
Don't Shoot Arrows into Your iPad! - GizmoSlip
eBay Auction: Subscribe to Darren: Thanks so much for watching guys!
2 649 772
02.04.16 4:52
Can Pikachu Protect an iPad Air from a 100 FT Drop? - GizmoSlip
GizmoSlip's Last video - iPhone 6s Lawn Mower Scratch Test!
2 587 907
13.06.19 12:33
Taking My BENT $1429 iPad Pro to the Apple Store
Part Two: UNBENDING $1429 iPad Pro with Cinder Block - MY IPAD PRO WAS BENT SOMEHOW? I decided to take it in for repair at the Apple store.
2 570 050
14.11.15 4:26
Don't Launch Galaxy S6 into iPad Pro! - GizmoSlip
Relisted as of 1/2/2015: iPad eBay auction!! Relisted as of 1/2/2015: Galaxy S6 Ebay Auction!!
2 559 362
03.09.16 6:11
Can Two Chicago Style Pizzas Protect an iPad Pro from a 100 FT Drop Test?
iPad Pro + Chicago Style Pizza + 100 FT Drop = Epic drop test! We had a ton of fun drop testing the iPad Pro in between two super thick Chicago Style thick crust pizza! Check it out!
2 485 742
13.04.17 8:32
Can 100 Layers of Paint Protect iPhone 7 from 100 FT Drop Test?
We're a little late to the "100 layers of (insert product here)" videos but we thought it'd still be fun one to try 100 layers of paint for a drop test.
2 478 004
22.11.18 6:53
I Giveaway iPhone XS Dressed as Homeless Man To Generous People
Help the Homeless by donating time, money, food, and clothing to your local shelters here: Previous giveaway video:
2 360 477
29.12.15 3:23
Don't Water Skip an iPhone 6s Plus! - GizmoSlip
Hey guys! We had a lot of fun water skipping an iPhone 6s Plus today (filmed on Phantom Miro 320s). I thought it would be fun to share.
2 335 739
14.02.16 2:52
Don't Try Slicing Nokia 3310 with Katana!! - GizmoSlip
Had a lot of fun attempting to slice a Nokia 3310 with a Katana. Actually tried three times, and failed every time (only showed one attempt in video, too embarrassing to show all three).
2 330 797
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