Google Webmasters

631 тыс
61.4 млн
1 922
10 Янв 2009
03.04.19 7:25
Make your React web apps discoverable - JavaScript SEO
In this video of the JavaScript SEO series, Webmaster Trends Analyst, Martin Splitt shares how to make your React apps discoverable in search and how to avoid common problems you may encounter with
118 407
13.11.19 1:09
Google Search Console Training - Official Trailer (New Series)
Do you want your website to be found on Google?
118 289
16.12.13 2:56
How does Google handle duplicate content?
How does Google handle duplicate content and what negative effects can it have on rankings from an SEO perspective? Gary Taylor, Stratford Upon Avon, UK Have a question?
116 849
16.04.12 4:03
Does Google take manual action on webspam?
Just to confirm: does Google take manual action on webspam? Does manual action result in a removal or can it also be a demotion?
116 136
05.08.11 3:48
Does Google consider SEO to be spam?
Matt Cutts answers the question: "Does Google consider SEO to be spam?" New to SEO?
113 493
04.12.19 3:42
Google Search Explained - Search for Beginners Ep 4
In this episode of Search for Beginners, we explain how Google Search finds your online business (a discovery process called crawling), organizes it (a process called indexing), and, finally
113 211
05.08.11 6:57
Changing your website's domain name
Keeping your domain name but moving to a new IP address? Check out this video: Have a question?
110 403
21.12.17 1:44
Subdomain or subfolder, which is better for SEO?
Subdomain vs subfolder which one is beneficial for SEOs? -- asks Deepak Kumar from Delhi, India Should you place parts of your site under or in ?
106 684
13.03.19 5:31
Essential JavaScript SEO tips - JavaScript SEO
Welcome to another episode of JavaScript SEO!
105 561
14.02.11 2:54
When are penalties lifted?
Hi Matt. Is there a thing like a permanent Google penalty for sites, or if the necessary fixes were made according to Google guidelines the penalties are lifted in all cases?
103 087
11.12.19 1:58
Google Analytics for site ownership verification - Google Search Console Training
In this episode of Search Console Training, Daniel Waisberg walks you through the steps you need to follow to verify your website in Search Console using the Google Analytics tracking code.
102 923
09.10.12 3:11
What is Google's view on guest blogging for links?
What is Google's view on guest blogging for links? AJ Kohn, SF, CA Have a question?
100 888
23.04.14 2:52
How can small sites become popular?
How can smaller sites with superior content ever rank over sites with superior traffic?
99 769
23.06.09 2:26
Improving website performance with Page Speed
Learn how to reduce content size on web pages with Page Speed and more. For more information, visit and
99 523
05.10.10 1:50
Is it still important to offer a site map to users?
In addition to using Webmaster Tools to submit an XML Sitemap to Google, how important is it to also have a sitemap for users? It seems like nobody does this anymore. Is it still important in Web 2.0?
99 029
12.02.20 3:11
SEO explained - Search for Beginners Ep 8
In this episode of Search for Beginners, we explain what SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is and how you can use it to attract new customers to your website.
98 067
12.03.12 16:36
Pagination and SEO
Google's Maile Ohye examines the issues webmasters face with paginated content: paginated articles, product category listings, etc.
97 186
11.09.19 1:47
JSON-LD Structured Data: Where to Insert in a Page?
In this episode of Ask Google Webmasters, John Mueller goes over the different ways Google processes structured data on a web page (JSON-LD, Microdata, and RDFa) and their differences.
95 136
05.04.11 3:59
How can I make sure that Google knows my content is original?
"Google crawls site A every hour and site B once in a day. Site B writes an article, site A copies it changing time stamp. Site A gets crawled first by Googlebot.
93 679
22.01.14 4:12
Are pages from social media sites ranked differently?
Are Facebook and Twitter signals part of the ranking algorithm? How much do they matter? Ryan, Michigan Have a question?
93 292
06.11.19 2:37
Setting goals for your website (and why it matters) - Search for Beginners Ep 2
In the second episode of Search for Beginners, learn about the types of metrics you might want to consider tracking (such as queries, impressions, clicks, and users’ path towards checkout)
92 383
15.09.09 14:38
Duplicate Content & Multiple Site Issues
Presented by Greg Grothaus of Google.
87 613
16.09.09 2:06
Why doesn't validate?
Michael Thingmand from Denmark asks: "Why doesn't validate (according to W3C)?" This video is part of a "Grab Bag" series in which Matt Cutts, head of Google's webspam team, answers
87 508
26.10.10 3:20
How does Google determine domain age, and is it important for ranking?
How does Google determine domain age? Do they look at the whois data or do they rely on the crawler? e.g. When it first indexed the website. In general, how important is it for website authority?
86 772
15.02.22 7:11
Requesting content removals under the right to be forgotten
In May 2014, the Court of Justice of the European Union ruled that individuals have the right to ask search engines like Google to delist results that are “inadequate, irrelevant or no longer
86 604
06.03.09 1:04
Should I use underscores or hyphens in URLs?
On February 26, 2009, Google software engineer Matt Cutts collected questions on Google Moderator and answered many of them on video.
86 418
16.02.23 1:59
Welcome to Google Search Central!
Welcome to the channel! At Search Central, we offer content for marketers, developers, and SEO professionals. Your hub to find out what's new in Google Search, tips, and tutorials.
85 821
11.12.19 1:55
Google Tag Manager for site ownership verification - Google Search Console Training
In this episode of Search Console Training, Daniel Waisberg walks you through the steps you need to follow to verify your website in Search Console using the Google Tag Manager container snippet.
84 380
17.04.19 3:21
Dynamic Rendering for JavaScript web apps - JavaScript SEO
In this video of the JavaScript SEO series, Webmaster Trends Analyst, Martin Splitt shares how to implement dynamic rendering for your JavaScript web app.
84 222
25.02.13 2:25
What percentage of PageRank is lost through a 301 redirect?
Roughly what percentage of PageRank is lost through a 301 redirect? Sam Harries, Exeter, United Kingdom Have a question?
83 094
1 923 видеоназад3далее