
2.93 млн
389 млн
25 Июн 2006
09.11.11 3:34
Symphony of Science - Onward to the Edge!
A musical celebration of the importance and inspirational qualities of space exploration (human and robotic), as well as a look at some of the amazing worlds in our solar system.
2 492 698
30.01.23 1:00
Has A.I. Discovered Alien Life?
New signals from deep space! Astronomers just announced the discovery of 8 potentially alien radio signals, using machine learning to comb through old data sets.
2 473 087
16.09.11 3:25
Yoda - Feel the Force (Yoda Remixed)
For the Star Wars fans: Yoda imparts his Zen-like wisdom in musical form. Download the Song: Help us caption & translate this video!
2 426 226
01.12.10 1:56
Get Pitted! A Surfer's Remix
Lyrics: Dude you got the best barrels ever dude Just like you pull in And you just get spit right out of 'em waPAAAH You just drop in, just smack the lip Then after that, you just drop in Just
2 343 329
27.03.18 2:35
The Preciousness of Time: A Stephen Hawking Tribute
"Inspiring" is a word that gets thrown around a lot, but Stephen Hawking was truly that - the Einstein of our time. This is my tribute to his life and his message.
2 235 198
09.02.21 3:11
In the Blink of an Eye: Space in an Instant
When we look up at night, the universe seems pretty quiet. But that perspective is an illusion; in reality, there are millions of world-shattering events happening every instant across the cosmos.
2 212 101
06.01.10 4:00
Symphony of Science - 'The Unbroken Thread' (ft. Attenborough, Goodall, Sagan)
"The Unbroken Thread" is the fourth video in the Symphony of Science series, and it features David Attenborough, Jane Goodall, and Carl Sagan.
2 209 350
33 дня 1:48:04
LIFE BEYOND: Visions of Alien Life. Full Documentary Remastered (4K)
4K download for uncompressed viewing experience: Are we alone? What might alien species look like? And what could we learn from them?
2 187 948
22.11.10 3:51
Symphony of Science - A Wave of Reason
"A Wave of Reason" is the seventh installment in the Symphony of Science music video series.
2 135 762
17.01.12 3:21
Symphony of Science - The Greatest Show on Earth! A music video about Evolution
A musical celebration of the wonders of biology, including evolution, natural selection, DNA, and more. Featuring David Attenborough, Richard Dawkins and Bill Nye.
2 134 682
23.07.13 1:52
'The Power of Music' - Old Spice/Terry Crews remix
An assault on the senses: a remix of the classic Terry Crews old spice ads. This one was intense to create, I think I'll go meditate for a while.
2 103 574
09.05.12 2:59
"We Are Star Dust" - Symphony of Science
We are star dust, reaching out to the universe. The 15th Symphony of Science video featuring Neil DeGrasse Tyson, Richard Feynman and Lawrence Krauss.
2 083 298
10.12.18 4:54
Children of Planet Earth: The Voyager Golden Record Remixed - Symphony of Science
Support my work on Patreon: My tribute to one of the coolest objects mankind has ever produced - the Voyager Golden Record.
2 063 045
09.08.16 2:56
Champion Of The World - Muhammad Ali Tribute
A tribute to the greatest of all time - Muhammad Ali. mp3: Help us caption & translate this video!
2 061 455
18.05.23 0:53
Reviving mankind from extinction
If mankind went extinct, could we be revived? It’s not out of the question.
2 053 339
08.09.09 2:31
Billy Mays - "We Can Help" - The Auto-tune Infomercial Ballad (ft. the Scatman)
Billy Mays returns from the afterlife to sing about his favorite products, and enlists the also-deceased Scatman John to deliver an auto-tuned & quantized scat-bridge for his song.
2 012 145
23.04.13 1:31
Mr. Willie - BAM!Wal-Mart greeter remix
A remix of Mr. Willie, legendary Arkansas Wal-Mart greeter!
1 882 699
06.07.11 3:59
Symphony of Science - "Children of Africa" (The Story of Us)
A musical celebration of humanity, its origins, and achievements, contrasted with a somber look at our environmentally destructive tendencies and deep similarities with other primates.
1 866 665
03.06.10 4:00
Symphony of Science - 'The Case for Mars' (ft. Zubrin, Sagan, Cox & Boston)
"The Case for Mars" is the sixth installment in the Symphony of Science music video series. It features Robert Zubrin, Carl Sagan, Brian Cox, and Penelope Boston.
1 762 620
24.10.15 4:09
BEYOND THE HORIZON - Symphony of Science + The Planetary Society
Created in collaboration with The Planetary Society on their 35th anniversary. Bill Nye, Neil deGrasse Tyson, Emily Lakdawalla and Carl Sagan reflect humanity's next frontier: beyond the horizon.
1 748 228
28.07.15 3:57
Symphony Of Science - Waves Of Light
Symphony of Science returns! A musical celebration of light and how it tells the story of our universe. Featuring Brian Cox.
1 597 165
20.01.11 3:01
Symphony of Science - 'The Big Beginning' (ft. Hawking, Sagan, Dawkins, Shears, Tyson)
"The Big Beginning" is the eighth installment in the Symphony of Science music video series.
1 581 936
04.10.18 2:09
CURIOSITY - Featuring Richard Feynman
Richard Feynman doing what he does best - sharing his contagious fascination with the world.
1 475 201
28.04.23 5:26
WATER WORLDS: Hideouts for Alien Life?
Far beyond Earth, a new type of alien water planet could be speckling our galaxy by the billions, like cosmic dew drops.
1 347 708
05.05.23 1:00
Water Worlds: They're really out there
Full video: Far beyond Earth, a new type of alien water planet could be speckling our galaxy by the billions, like cosmic dew drops.
1 326 963
14.11.17 3:04
Oh My!
A magical musical adventure through the land of Oz. mp3: @musicalscience Help us caption & translate this video!
1 319 270
110 дней 17:32
Could Humans Survive the Dinosaur-Killing Asteroid? Featuring @LEMMiNO
Guest narrated by the fantastic @LEMMiNO! Sponsored by Ground News: head to to see through misleading media narratives and find common ground.
1 259 696
16.10.12 2:29
Bill Hicks + George Carlin: The Big Electron
Two legendary comedians offer their perspectives on life, through song.
1 147 841
31.08.21 2:33
Life Beyond 3: Official Trailer
Support this film on Patreon: | Who are the masters of the universe? Is there other intelligent life out there? What could they be like? How can we find them?
1 140 604
12.09.12 3:49
Symphony of Science - Our Biggest Challenge (Climate Change Music Video)
A musical investigation into the causes and effects of global climate change and our opportunities to use science to offset it. Featuring Bill Nye, David Attenborough, Richard Alley and Isaac Asimov.
1 106 672
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