
3.1 млн
533 млн
20 Окт 2011
31.05.22 4:00
The Actual Reason Men Die First
Sign up for your FREE trial to Wondrium here: ow.ly/vFtO30siJJT Because females often outlive males, behavior is often blamed - but there is a decent chance our sex chromosomes might be to
3 440 326
321 день 7:05
Why Don't We Eat Carnivores?
Come play Beast Lord on Android and iOS here: beastlord.onelink.me/4a2w/MinuteEarth And use redeem code: MINUTEEARTH #BeastLord #AnimalGame #LionGame Humans eat a lot of different animals
3 350 860
04.10.17 3:27
Why Do Female Hyenas Have Pseudo-Penises?!
Female hyenas don't have penises, but it sure looks like they do - and we still aren't quite sure why.
3 339 646
21.06.16 2:10
Which Bear Is Best?
Why do some species flourish and others falter? Sometimes it just comes down to luck.
3 282 362
03.05.17 2:39
Why Don't Sled Dogs Ever Get Tired?
Thanks to Squarespace for sponsoring this video! squarespace.com/minuteearth Sled dogs are the best endurance athletes in the world thanks to a weird quirk in their metabolism.
3 161 541
10.10.16 2:35
How Different Are Different Types of Dogs?
A big thank-you to our supporters on patreon.com/MinuteEarth : - Maarten Bremer - Jeff Straathof - Today I Found Out - Tony Fadell - Muhammad Shifaz - Mark Roth - Melissa Vigil
3 092 265
13.06.16 2:54
Would You Drink Water Made From Sewage?
for sponsoring this video.
2 993 363
13.08.21 0:28
Grolar Bears #Shorts
Know your hybrids #shorts SUPPORT MINUTEEARTH ************************** If you like what we do, you can help us!: - Become our patron: patreon.com/MinuteEarth - Share this video with your
2 942 154
09.12.13 2:16
What Happened To This Car?
Animations by PhD TV - phdcomics.com/tv Please support MinuteEarth on Patreon!
2 921 331
13.01.15 2:37
Plate Tectonics Explained
How do plate tectonics REALLY work? Please support us on Patreon at: patreon.com/minuteearth And subscribe!
2 899 935
08.05.15 1:59
Rain's Dirty Little Secret
Somewhere inside of every raindrop is a tiny impurity – a touch of salt, a speck of soot, a grain of clay – that’s absolutely crucial to the raindrop’s existence.
2 819 648
29.06.15 2:58
Do We Have to Get Old and Die?
We’d like to thank Focus Features for sponsoring this video – and for inviting us to pre-screen their summer 2015 film “Self/Less”.
2 801 317
01.05.15 3:08
Should We Let Pandas Go Extinct?
for supporting this video. Use the coupon code MINUTEEARTH for $5 off your order!
2 791 003
11.06.15 3:18
Are We Really 99% Chimp?
Get 10% off of your first order with Squarespace - squarespace.com/minuteearth Please support us on Patreon: patreon.com/minuteearth ... like these our Patreon patrons. Thanks!
2 684 266
31.08.15 3:22
We're Oversalting Our Food, And It's Not What You Think
This video was supported in part by Leesa, an online mattress company.
2 621 368
17.06.21 0:24
1 year old puppy = 30 year old human #shorts
A new study finds that dog years don’t work like we thought they did.
2 605 474
12.04.17 3:05
How Cats Became our Feline Overlords (ft. It's Okay To Be Smart)
Check out how cats became our favorite little murder machines.
2 591 382
05.12.18 3:47
These Names Can Kill Animals
To get your free 30-day trial of CuriosityStream, go to curiositystream.com/minute and use the code "minute".
2 555 865
12.04.18 1:58
Milk Is Just Filtered Blood
Female mammals make milk, a cocktail of filtered blood, to provide their babies with vital nutrients.
2 544 556
16.12.15 2:35
Why Do Rivers Have Deltas?
Where rivers meet the ocean, coastlines tend to bend either inward or outward, creating estuaries and deltas. But how do they get those shapes?
2 509 368
07.03.17 2:43
Ambergris: Why Perfume Makers Love Constipated Whales
How whale poop becomes perfume. Thanks to Crunchyroll for sponsoring this video!
2 495 546
14.06.18 4:40
Rise Of The Mesopredator🎵 (ft. ScienceWithTom)
Try Dashlane for free: bit.ly/minutedash. Use promo code "minuteearth" for 10% off Dashlane Premium.
2 415 921
07.07.16 2:38
Null Island: The Busiest Place That Doesn't Exist (ft @TomScottGo )
Thanks to @TomScottGo for helping write and narrate this video.
2 377 084
29.09.13 2:33
The One That Got Away (Size Matters)
Subscribe - it's FREE! - goo.gl/EpIDGd And please support us on Patreon - goo.gl/ZVgLQZ MinuteEarth is available as a free iTunes podcast!
2 354 315
25.04.14 3:20
How To Date A Planet
Support MinuteEarth on Patreon: goo.gl/ZVgLQZ And Subscribe!
2 350 545
30.03.13 1:49
How Tall Can Mountains Be?
What is the maximum height for a mountain on Earth!? And why? CREDITS ********* Created by Henry Reich, with Alex Reich, Peter Reich, Rose Eveleth, Emily Elert, and John Guittar.
2 300 112
22.01.15 3:33
Why Poor Places Are More Diverse
Thanks to The Kwongan Foundation at the University of Western Australia for supporting this video: plants.uwa.edu.au/alumni/kwongan MinuteEarth is now on Patreon!
2 250 106
08.03.13 2:37
MinuteEarth: The Story of Our Planet
Our first video ever! Agriculture, hula hoops, SARS, and THIS video: how long did they take to get around the earth?
2 235 912
02.02.17 2:51
Why Is Poop Brown And Pee Yellow?
To start using Tab for a Cause, go to: tabforacause.org/r/minuteearth2 The pigments in our food all get destroyed on their way through our digestive system...so where do the colors of our
2 191 149
19.07.21 0:26
Adult Cats Only Meow At Humans #shorts
The cat’s meow is only for humans.
2 162 824
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