Lorentz Transformations | Special Relativity Ch. 3
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1 953 774
What are years... and the galactic supermassive black hole!
It's leap year time... so what are years, anyway? And what do they have to do with the supermassive black hole in the core of the milky way? Mr.
1 931 987
2011 Nobel Prize: Dark Energy feat. Sean Carroll
Guest narrator Sean Carroll of Caltech describes dark energy and the acceleration of the universe, the discovery of which was awarded the 2011 Nobel Prize in Physics on October 4th.
1 920 763
Why the solar system can exist
If gravity is so attractive, why doesn't the earth just crash into the sun? Or the moon into the earth?
1 912 034
What is the Wave/Particle Duality? Part 1
Tweet it! - bit.ly/rqSUwR Facebook it! - on.fb.me/oRhE5d Minute Physics provides an energetic and entertaining view of old and new problems in physics -- all in a minute!
1 899 421
Every Force in Nature (Theory of Everything, Part III)
In which we explain economic equilibrium, how to make money from nothing, and every fundamental force in physics.
1 872 119
How Long Is A Day On The Sun?
Thanks to everyone who supports MinutePhysics on Patreon!
1 859 997
What IS Angular Momentum?
EDWARD SNOWDEN book on Audible: audible.com/pd/Nonfiction/No-Place-to-Hide-Audiobook/B00MEL9RTI/ref=a_search_c4_1_1_srTtl/191-2173915-6184263?qid=1421950758&sr=1-1 MinutePhysics is on
1 856 792
Aliens: Are We Looking in the Wrong Place?
Big Alien Theory explanation website - thebigalientheory.com Thanks to everyone who supports MinutePhysics on Patreon!
1 843 799
How to Build a Lava Moat (with xkcd)
Where to Buy "How To" by Randall Munroe: · PRH.com: bit.ly/2L2G5hy · Amazon: bit.ly/2zfy974 · Barnes and Noble: bit.ly/2Zozxmt · IndieBound: bit.ly/2ZfwSre ·
1 823 112
Why Are Airplane Engines So Big?
The physics behind the perfect size of a jet engine.
1 807 125
Theory of Everything (intro)
A brief intro to the current theory of (almost) everything - the Standard Model of particle physics. It's like cake, only universal.
1 806 269
What is Touch?
In this quantum world, what does it mean to touch something? Do we really hover above the chairs we're sitting in?
1 786 023
Another Portal Paradox
We have a course on Brilliant! And the first 200 people to brilliant.org/minutephysics get 20% off an annual premium subscription to Brilliant, with full access to all courses, including ours.
1 761 790
General Relativity Explained in 7 Levels of Difficulty
get access to CuriosityStream AND Nebula (where you can watch the extended version of this video), plus you'll get a 26% discount on an annual subscription.
1 746 030
Einstein and The Special Theory of Relativity
How Einstein (& others) discovered Special Relativity. Pi day (3.14) is Albert Einstein's Birthday!
1 745 435
Transporters and Quantum Teleportation
A reply to CGP Grey's video about teleportation, consciousness and Star Trek.
1 741 278
How Do Bikes Stay Up?
Thanks to littlebits.com for sponsoring this video – use promo code MinutePhysics for $20 off A HUGE thanks to Wren Weichman (@wrenthereaper) for helping with the 3D bike animation, Michael Aranda
1 740 432
The Tides
Bad tidings - the tides are slowing down the earth! For more detail about the tides: jal.cc.il.us/~mikolajsawicki/Tides_new2.pdf Tweet it - bit.ly/A58ZwJ Facebook it - on.
1 710 612
Can we Predict Everything?
Order your MinutePhysics TSHIRT! dftba.com/minutephysics Einstein didn't like quantum mechanics because it wasn't able to make perfect predictions...
1 706 345
Why You Should Care About Nukes
For info about divesting from nuclear weapons companies, go to responsibleinvest.org Thanks to the Future of Life Institute for helping support this video futureoflife.org (in
1 701 879
Why Doesn't Time Flow Backwards? (Big Picture Ep. 1/5)
Thanks to Google Making and Science for supporting this series, and to Sean Carroll for collaborating on it!
1 675 045
Why is Relativity Hard? | Special Relativity Chapter 1
for supporting this video!
1 630 656
Should You Walk or Run When It's Cold?
Hi! My name is Henry, I make MinutePhysics, and you can support me on Patreon: patreon.com/minutephysics Is it better to walk or run when it's cold out?
1 610 881
Why Masks Work BETTER Than You'd Think
Thanks to the Heising-Simons foundation for their support: hsfoundation.org (their COVID-19 grants: hsfoundation.org/grants/covid-19-response-grants ) Check out
1 597 096
A Youtube Phishing Attack You Need to Watch Out For
MinutePhysics is on Google+ - bit.ly/qzEwc6 And facebook - facebook.com/minutephysics And twitter - @minutephysics Minute Physics provides an energetic and entertaining view of old
1 571 123
Where is the True North Pole?
Is it in the Arctic Ocean? In Canada? Russia?
1 567 947