The Boys Season 3 Will Answer These Questions

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Anime Series Aren't Overrated - CBR
Опубликовано 12 октября 2020, 16:45
Questions That Need To Be Answered in The Boys Season 3


The Boys Season 2 finale was packed with shocking reveals, surprising deaths, a lot of Fresca references, and more head-popping action! And we wouldn’t expect anything less from this show! But now that season 2 is officially over, it means we have to start our long wait for season 3 in order to give us answers to some of our biggest questions.

Be warned, from here on out, there will be spoilers for The Boys season 2 finale!

After a season of thinking she was on The Boys’ side, it was revealed that Congresswoman Neuman was the mysterious Head-Popper and that creates a fascinating set-up for season 3. She’s taking control of a Superhero Regulation task force, but is she actually in Vought’s pocket? Does she work directly for Stan Edgar? What is her ultimate goal and will it lead her to the White House? Those are the big questions we need answered for the now villainous congresswoman!

And putting politics aside, what’s going to happen to The Seven? The team is seriously fractured. Queen Maeve and Starlight put themselves in danger by openly defying and blackmailing Homelander and chances are, that won’t go well for anyone. And now that Stormfront looks like a piece of chicken that was left in the deep fryer for too long, it creates an opening on the team. Will Jenson Ackles’ Soldier Boy take her place? And most importantly, will Black Noir be okay??

All those questions and more coming your way right now so check out the video and be sure to tell us in the comments below what your favorite season 2 moment was. Thanks for watching CBR! Let’s get started.

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Written by: Jacoby Bancroft
Narrated by: Jacoby Bancroft
Edited by: Matthew Weinstein

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