Attack on Titan Season 4: Why We Are HYPED

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27 дней – 8 66815:03
Watch This Before Thunderbolts*
Опубликовано 10 июня 2020, 16:45

Attack On Titan fans are getting HYPED right now because the final season is on the way in 2020 and it’s first trailer makes it look like it’ll be the most intense season yet!

When the series first premiered in 2013, it was minted as an instant classic for anime fans. The show featured heartless brutality, horrifying monsters, deadly heroes and a wonderfully messed up world. As it has progressed, Eren and company have finally figured out the secrets behind the titans that have plagued them their entire lives. Those secrets haven’t led them to more peace. In fact, it seems as though there will only be more conflict now that they’ve kicked Reiner and his squad out of Paradis island.

It looks like now we’re headed into a whole new era for the series. The show looks like it will focus heavily on the nation across the sea, Marley and their perspective. There will be new characters and new Titans as the series shifts focus to a new setting.

This shift looks to be short lived though as Eren and his friends quickly go on the offensive to take on the nation that caused their fate all these years. This will likely lead to a full-on global Titan conflict as the two nations clash.

If that isn’t enough to get you hyped for this season, nothing will! We’ll discuss all that and more when we dive deep into why the latest season of Attack On Titan looks like the best one yet!

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Written by: Jordan Phillips
Narrated by: Boy Jangles
Edited by: *DBZ FAN*

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