Why Avatar: The Last Airbender Is Such A Big Deal

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Everyone’s talking about how amazing Avatar: The Last Airbender is. This is a great relief to longtime fans of the series who have been singing its praises since it went off the air all the way back in 2008. So when the series dropped on Netflix, the internet was flooded by new fans who were amazed at how great it was. Welcome to Team Avatar folks, where the Bison fly and the cabbages are never safe!

So what is it exactly about the series that makes it so legendary? There are a ton of shows and movies on Netflix that offer big budget entertainment so why is Avatar absolutely destroying them all?

Could it be the impressive worldbuilding? The creators went out of their way to craft a world that felt simultaneously larger than life and lived in. It’s so real that at times it feels like you could just step into it.

Is it the amazing cast of characters? The show does feature a happy-go-lucky protagonist who fights alongside a cunning water-bending warrior, a blind bandit and a sarcastic genius with a boomerang.

What about the villains? We’ve got the fire prince who spends most of the series hunting the protagonist and his friends. Not only that but his extended family is no picnic either. Well, aside from his Uncle Iroh who is just the best.

The answer is that all of these things and more answer the question as to why Avatar: The Last Airbender is a straight up masterpiece!

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Written by: Jordan Phillips
Narrated by: Joseph Delaney
Edited by: Ma Guinto

For copyright matters please contact us at: legal@valnetinc.com
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