Comic Book Resources4.17 млн
Опубликовано 3 мая 2021, 13:45
00:00 Intro
00:33 Cap and Panther’s First Team Up
03:17 Wakanda’s Tribes and Isolationism
06:23 Wakanda’s Ritual Combat Monarchy
Captain America and Black Panther, they go together like peanut butter and jelly if you ask me. These two are symbols of their countries, Captain America for, well, America, Black Panther for Wakanda. How did these two heroes first meet and what was it like? Well, it wasn’t pretty, at least not for their enemies!
T’challa’s grandfather, Azzuri was the Black Panther at the time of World War 2 and he went toe to toe with the old stars and stripes super soldier himself. Nick fury interested in the fight that he gets captured before he even notices what’s going on.
Wakanda is the most advanced country in the whole world of Marvel, but they could never really escape their tribal roots. Combat ceremonies, tribal warfare, and putting enemies' heads on stakes are all things you’ll see Wakanda engaging in at some point or another.
The incredible African nation was always at the forefront of technology due in large part to their one of a kind metal, vibranium. Wakanda always stayed ahead of the rest of the world, but they never wanted to get involved unless absolutely necessary. By the time of world war 2, both the Germans and the Americans had no idea that they were dealing with the most advanced country in the world.
Should Wakanda stay out of world affairs or should they use their magical space rock to help better everyone else? Don’t forget to like, comment, subscribe, and stay tuned for more great content from CBR
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Written by: Kyle Inloes
Narrated by: Darren Worts
Edited by: Matthew W.
For copyright matters please contact us at:
00:00 Intro
00:33 Cap and Panther’s First Team Up
03:17 Wakanda’s Tribes and Isolationism
06:23 Wakanda’s Ritual Combat Monarchy
Captain America and Black Panther, they go together like peanut butter and jelly if you ask me. These two are symbols of their countries, Captain America for, well, America, Black Panther for Wakanda. How did these two heroes first meet and what was it like? Well, it wasn’t pretty, at least not for their enemies!
T’challa’s grandfather, Azzuri was the Black Panther at the time of World War 2 and he went toe to toe with the old stars and stripes super soldier himself. Nick fury interested in the fight that he gets captured before he even notices what’s going on.
Wakanda is the most advanced country in the whole world of Marvel, but they could never really escape their tribal roots. Combat ceremonies, tribal warfare, and putting enemies' heads on stakes are all things you’ll see Wakanda engaging in at some point or another.
The incredible African nation was always at the forefront of technology due in large part to their one of a kind metal, vibranium. Wakanda always stayed ahead of the rest of the world, but they never wanted to get involved unless absolutely necessary. By the time of world war 2, both the Germans and the Americans had no idea that they were dealing with the most advanced country in the world.
Should Wakanda stay out of world affairs or should they use their magical space rock to help better everyone else? Don’t forget to like, comment, subscribe, and stay tuned for more great content from CBR
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Written by: Kyle Inloes
Narrated by: Darren Worts
Edited by: Matthew W.
For copyright matters please contact us at:
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